Wow the shrink wrap was on the boat while taking on the fuel. some real smart cookies :( Yard staff and fuel company staff needs some OSHA...
Someone left the battery's connected still trying to figure why would you fill a boat up that's on a transport trailer. Rip for the worker
Oh yes, the lines and the varnish. I am looking for a picture of the yacht Hartline once owned Mary Hartline.
use an oil Spout oiler .
Wow big project but a fun one for sure before you place things into place give it some paint behind the Equpment then when you want to do the...
Correct statement the holiday will soon come to an end playtime is just about over.;)
Can't you lift them down the engine room hatches in the salon I am not familiar with the layout
OMG :eek: Next, it's the car salesman:rolleyes: too many lawyers in today's world
Auxiliary Power System
Bravo ! :)
Sounds like some Sanitary napkins wrap around the blades. o_O
Money Grab that's all this is yes real estate was a bite but think about wall street brokers with your retirement funds what they take in for...
This will be a while before they get the bridge opened up. just think of the lawsuits flying now can't get out of a boat yard with charging by the...
wouldn't this be labeled a hit and run? :D
Tampa skyway they built little sandbars around the fenders. should be standard design mandatory after what happened in Tampa. I am curious if...
Government incompetence The magic word !! we have tons of it all over now :mad:
Capt., you answered all my questions I was thinking all day this these reporters just don't fill in the details. I am surprised there were not...
I can see with charters for sure that's interesting. i heard this at a conference years ago with the insurance firms round table discussions.
I thought it was a requirement to have a cert captain on a boat more than 70 Ft Insurance;) etc ...
I like the Metal shutters its simple no worries I don't need to look out the window watching the trees flying around. Just have a stiff drink and...