My question answered. Rare boat, but a CC dud…
Which tournament fisherman? The 26’ Catalina hull with no cabin top…
Lol, I had to look . Who the heck started this post ? I forgot. Was I. Had to re-read my post to refresh my memory. Yup, that’s the guy or guys I...
Also I see someone got the maker ,well before or just before the contact. Nice white swipe on the leaning piling.
Nope , but look up Buck Algonquin on line catalog or Deepblue yacht supplies on line site. Measure up yours and search for it in the catalog.
Hunt hull ? Looks to me.
IMO, I think they are a very nice boat. Seems to be built well and sea worthy. Yeah , plenty fast enough. 20 knots would be nice, but what's the...
Mainship 34’ pilot is a different boat from the old 36’. 34’ is single screw, sounds right on the Hp. Anyway , it’s fun looking around. I...
I here ya. Maybe look at the Mainship pilot 34’ . I think they are a nice looking , more affordable down East boat. I agree, the Tiara is a very...
I understand. But I would keep it , if you can , for resale. New owner may want it back on. Sure helps having when family and kids are on board .
Why ?
Hmm , never noticed the Albin size difference, thought they were all 28’ . 35’ of same vessel would be awesome. Anyway, should I come down to help...
It this not the same vessel you had ? O/B vessel not working so well , eh ? Oh so small … Your Albin was a great boat. Hope all is well . Read...
Cut in an access hatch, cut it neat/clean save the cut out seal up the cut out with glass , or marine tex, or west system. Trim the cut out with...
You'll have Tuna Tartare trying to land the fish on the back of the boat, along with no transom fish door...Put some diesel inboards in that...
Harris intercooler , water in one side , out the other. That’s all I’ve got. Remember mine sits right on the back just above the clutch. Low pro...
Get that water flowing out the rear orifice like the cool running engine. Then mess with the thermostat if need be. More coolers , exhaust elbow...
RichV You got some things to check out . One at a time, Process of elimination. 1- make sure you have full water flow at your engine water...
Coolant pump ? What do you mean? Raw water pump or closed cooling pump ?
Did you snoop around Grainger ? Or try McMaster- Carr. Or try Newark element 14..