Very good advice .. thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts into words. Our pocketbook is also a big determining factor with function...
We are very inexperienced. What type of boat would you suggest.
I should probably note that our intent is to live on the boat full time and cruise the Caribbean as far south as Grenada.
We've been looking at a number of 1986 - 1990 Hatteras, Tolycraft, and Ocean Alexanders in the 48ft - 53ft range. I need some opinions. The broker...
Can you give me an example of a motoryacht you would suggest
Well, it looks like we'll be looking at catamarans... We started our search looking at cats but they are expensive... especially power cats. For...
Thanks for the reply... good words of wisdom.
We're looking at several Carvers, Navigators and a couple older Trawlers by Albin and Marine Trader. The plan is to retire and cruise the...