Thank you. That sounds like a great trip! We've been up the Hudson to Lake Champlain and Montreal. Lost an outdrive one year when I hit a...
What is the issue with the fiberglass? Where on the south shore of LI are you? I’m trying hard to see a Antares. Have an appointment to travel...
CONGRATULATIONS. Which model did you get, and what do you think of it? I plan to look at an Antares 11 to replace my 34 Formula. Looking for...
I guess I was lucky. Boat ran great but when I was docking I saw a lot of steam coming out of the exhaust. After docking I shut her down and...
I have a 1988 Jefferson Monticello I bought almost 2 years ago and love it. It is powered by Caterpillar 3208TAs. They have 2400 hours. The...
Did you close on the Jefferson? How do you like her?
Sorry for your loss. Where is your Jefferson located? What will it take to get her back in running condition? We are in virginia, headed for...
Recently purchased a 1988 52' Jefferson Monticello. Love it so far. What did you decide to buy?
Did you buy that Jefferson? I am purchasing a 52 Monticello and would like to hear from other Jefferson owners. As you noted there is not much...
Are you still a Jefferson owner? I am purchasing a 52 Monticello and would like to hear from other Jefferson owners.
Looking for other Jefferson Yacht owners. Are you one? I am purchasing a 52 Monticello and would like to get guidance from other Jefferson owners.