No denial here. Very much concerned and watching closely. We just went through 8ft of surge with Helene. The wind will be full of...
Nothing that I have noticed regarding delay.
Crossing the lake in one day (either direction) Stuart to Fort Meyers was much easier when the locks were open later. A few years ago they moved...
When we bought this boat (6 years ago or so), a friend who had owned the same model previously told me if the specific boat I was buying did not...
Just installed a new bow thruster. Florida Bowthruster did the installation of the bow thruster. They would not get involved with the...
Thoughts? As I understand it, the case was regarding commercial fishing boats which were required by an agency rule to include (and pay for)...
Similar. Pressure relief valve went bad. The valve is plumbed into an overboard discharge. After arriving at the boat and turning on the...
do you have the build sheet in the back of the manual? For alot of the components it lists the sources. Mine is on the boat, so can't look at...
My preference is always outside - but weather says inside sometimes. Not sure if this still the same, but there was an area, I think through...
Sounds like you are making good progress. I have run Hilton Head to Charleston on the ICW before. You are right, very sketchy areas on depth....
Ross, I have no specific advice for you. Every situation is different, and there are plenty of people who are here that know a lot more than I...
New boat to the owner. No experience base of handling characteristics of that boat. Coming out of an incredibly tight river area, that their...
We upgraded our window tinting on the salon level 3-4 years ago. Has made a significant difference for us.
What are the NiCads used for on the L650? There are a lot of other questions to ask about an L650 before I get to the batteries.
Remotely familiar with this boat, almost bought one over a decade ago. I don't see how it could be moved without some amount of removal. Not a...
Another Aquamap user. I have Navionics and still have BlueChart. But Aquamap is what I routinely use. Love the add in's. Weather at...
On my second RIB. First was a Zodiac brand (YL340). I think they have renamed their line of RIB to a different name, escapes me at the...
Glad the OP found the issue and is up and going again. I will throw a related experience in this thread for future reference in case there is...
Is this because of the constant water flow pulling in water all the time?
Thank you all for the input. It's not like I am able to pick out a boat based on whether it has a sea chest or not. It seems like some...