Ours are starting year 36. I'll look them over once it's unwrapped to check from inside but am leaning to leaving if I don't see anything loose...
The marina suggested we replace the transom thru-hulls for the cockpit hatch surround drains and the aft bilge pump outlet since they do not have...
None of it was sanded back to bare. Where there were prior water stains (salon windows and bottom of the wall opposite the galley) she sanded...
We (my wife actually) used Minwax Polycrylic clear satin on the interior. It isn't an exact match but close. She sanded and did a light coat on...
The nuts turn to raise/lower the door. I think they would unscrew all the way to separate the door from the captive hardware in the rail but have...
Would be interested to hear if you do.
Interested, roll bothers the cat (she rides on helm chart table). Started looking a year ago. Cost to remove tab pockets is prohibitive. I...
It's only the transom, tab pockets and main stringers to look at clearances and curvatures for various interceptor options. I don't have the...
Our 43 had prior owner installed 'spray rails' that would "catch" angled waves on one side and roll the boat well before it turned-off. I had...
Thanks. I've been using my CAD model to check planned internal component clearances. Around 1" is good.
Does anyone know the bottom thickness for th 43 Post or other? I didn't think to measure it when the thru hulls were being replaced a couple...
Either has my diver at my home dock. I'm not an electrical engineer but how would an isolation transformer be different than a GenSet in this...
I was told that very common cause is bad/rusted hot water heater. Our boat was fine for 2 years before the unknown neutral decided to short. I...
Yes, I should have been more clear. 'Remove' is both ends.
Also, don't know what electrical they do but Chesapeake Dockside Mobile Marine, Chris Sjolie, was responsive and did a good job replacing my water...
The exposed contacts on the one end are 'pins', the recessed contacts on the other are 'sockets' There should be no circuit between any 2 of the...
There are a few things you can check yourself if you have a digital resistance meter. Turn off all the 120v main breakers on the panel and remove...
I went back into the panel and the EXT RECPT breaker doesn't have an ouput wire so has never been active on our boat. Finding where the bad...
I've never had or used a circuit tracer. How far away can they detect, since all the wiring is behind panels, floors, ceilings? Can they be used...