Exactly what I've successfully done for years. Typically deploy from tender after primary anchor set.
I went to the testing center in Oakland CA which is only about an hour from my boat. I had a log of my Sea Service, Medical Exam form and Drug...
I went through the same internal debate during my last renewal. For me, the cost savings on my annual boat insurance and the ease of chartering a...
I work with a couple of other highly qualified professional Captains . We routinely handle this type of move multiple times every year. I am...
The rebuild process CR described is the same as I dealt with except parts are no longer available so we just made our own. Regarding the...
Please keep us updated on progress and final results. Really interested what material you end up using. At the time of my repair, Starboard was...
Not heavy, just bulky. As I recall, two of us lifted it out no problem and laid it near its base to complete the repair.
Bought a replacement just like that unit at West Marine a year ago. It’s a complete unit that includes box, pump and float switch. Readily available
Sorry I do not. As I recall, loosened a retaining bolt at the base and then lifted the arm assembly off. The bushing was visible and could simply...
My 800# Brower is fifteen years old. I had an electric motor shop rebuild the Rule electric motor a couple of years ago. Cheap to rebuild. On my...
I think this youtube video discussing the timeline of the event and relevant ship operations is very useful. Much better that media talking heads...
I’ll try to keep this relatively short. Vessel must be insured, No Exception Vessel must be seaworthy for intended use. if recently...
Absolutely heartbreaking! The workers on the bridge had no chance and may not have even recognized the danger in time to try and evacuate the...
Never run a 69 Ferretti so I don't know your range at cruise speed. If you can maintain 15+ kts and cover 200 miles before needing fuel, not a...
I simply said I agreed with your position. I don't get on a boat with no insurance or insurance that does not cover me as the operator. I do the...
Another vote for Option 3. As CR pointed out, VP has made several improvements over the years with their Pods I've operated several boats with...
I've made that run several times on vessels ranging 46-70 ft. Just a matter of picking weather windows and take your time. No need to cross the...
Interesting and still unresolved topic. Like many here, I offer private lessons on a clients boat and do deliveries on the West Coast from Mexico...
An acquaintance was on that vessel a few years ago as part of a sea trial. He said it had some serious performance issues but I don't recall the...
My personal experience with AGM 8D batteries has been the opposite of Pascals. I replaced the Start, House and Inverter 8Ds after 7 yrs because I...