Last week, there were several large cats anchored there...but it was super calm. I am surprised they have not pulled it out of there, since it is...
I misspoke….it is the eastern shoreline, mile or so north of the lazy river and camp driftwood. Sorry about that…coffee had. It kicked in yet
I should have mentioned...I believe the name on the boat is "two point seven"
Western shore of Shroud Cay. Anyone know the story with this boat? Could not find any articles or mention of it. Has a date of Feb 2024 scratched...
Did that trip in April with 4' draft and Pascal is correct. One additional warning...give very wide berth to Sprigger Bank Light 5....very heavy...
I am stumped by the 35 to 65 ft limitation. How many whales do you think are struck by 35 to 65 ft boats a year? What about large yachts and...
I had a boat Marquis 59 and very similar design and issue. It turned out that I would only get water ingress when the cockpit carpeting was not...
No you inferred, Horizon is 'yacht" quality. Aquila is a Chinese mass production build. Like comparing a Searay or Azimut to a...
I ran a pair of D-12 800's for many years and they always ran 183-85 at 80% load. At WOT, I would see 190, but nothing as high as you are seeing.
Update, Health Visa and Testing have been dropped for Vaccinated travelers. From Bahamas Web Site: Effective 19 June 2022 fully vaccinated...
I took a new to me Marquis 59 from Chicago to Annapolis, MD in 2014 with my wife and kids. We went around the other way (Lake Mich, Huron, Erie,...
Sorry, my question may not have been clear. In order to return to the US on a commercial flight, the CDC is requiring"NAAT/molecular or antigen...
Pascal: Where are your clients getting the "NAAT/molecular or antigen test" in order to return to US? I know the Rapid Test is widely available...
None of the inlets mentioned are challenging (although watch wind against current in some) . Beaufort, Masonboro, Georgetown, Charleston, Hilton...
An acquaintance purchased a new Sabre 42 five years ago and sold it 2 years later. Constant issues with the pods and could never get them right. I...
I have had Lumitecs on my old boat and installed them on my new boat. Pascal is 100% correct that they are best in clear water like Bahamas and...
I have had both. The NL seems to be simpler and more reliable. The Kohler is very good, but small issues always popping up, especially as hours...
Capt J is correct. Shorten the hours, makes the trip more difficult and longer. Less people will use it. Shorten the hours again, make it even...
That is unfortunate news. Shorter season and less operating hours...I think I know how this story will end. It is a great trip and glad I was...
We just spent Christmas at Hawks Cay. I draw less than you, but saw 6ft the whole way in/out. I do not recall whether it was high or low tide at...