Funny you should say that, Oscavan! I was doing some net searching yesterday for GSCI's Cat ECU battery question, and came across a document:...
Hi GSCI, Tonight I was able to check on our Caterpillar models for you. We acquired CAT as a customer only recently, in the early part of 2014....
Oscarvan, I hear ya. It's partly due to technology, and partly to economics. 20 years ago, using a lithium battery was pretty much the only...
As it happens, we do also make the ECM's for Caterpillar, altho I don't work on that particular product (I was DDEC, then OnStar, then BMW...
Funny you should say that, Capt J. I have dreamed of doing something like that, should anything happen to this current job. Having the...
Hi Capt J, Yes, Sturdy may well be the manufacturer of the user-level engine control system. Motorola (at the time) built the ECUs. If ya ever...
Capt J, your comments hit close to home for me, and explained some things I've been wondering about for a while. I work in the factory...