Thank you all for the input. That make the most sense. I also had a fuel leak from the Port fiberglass tank. I cut it out and replaced with a...
After a haul-out last month, inspection of the tubes provided no answers. They are hollow tubes about 3/4" in diameter with openings at both ends....
My fuel tanks appear to be fiberglass. If they are aluminum, they are completely encapsulated in roven fiberglass matt. I know what old aluminum...
Will someone with knowledge of the 1984 Ocean 46' Sunliner fiberglass fuel tanks help me with the repair/replace decision. I have a small leak...
Can anyone tell me if there is a 671TI marine service manual available on CD or download?
Diver stated they were about 1/2" in diameter. I'm going with grounding bars till I can look myself. Thank you all!
The diver did not say what diameter they were. I'll have to find out from him. Thanks
That won't be as easy as it sounds. I've not seen any fitting inside the boat, or even have access to areas where they may be. This gives me...
All water-cooled equipment presently in use has seacocks and thru-hulls. All the A/C condensing units are new and discharge cooling water into the...
I purchased a 46' Ocean Sunliner earlier this year and have found out there are two 10' long keel coolers on the Port side if the keel. Can anyone...