Casper retractable screen door I use it every day on my 46 Post
You have to adjust the door in the air duct on the forward unit to move air to the other state room
I'm in I already made reservations for Strong's water club
Check your antifreeze cap check the overflow hose to the reservoir and what weight oil are you are you using
I asked the same question on the other site and was told to contact South Jersey lumbermans who is in Mays landing N.J. I'm thinking he may have...
That teak looks awesome what's on it
I just ordered a set of 26x26 four bladed propellers with a small cup from Jr at Johnson propeller and machine in Freeport. Stainless 45 check...
Sorry to hear about the boat damage 20 knots sounds a little low in the speed end of things I kept my boat at Wantagh park for a couple of years...
I will. I was hoping somebody on this website had some Relevant information right now I'm waiting for Chris to send me up his knockoff hub from...
Thats interesting they are J&T 550HP 692s. I think 26 x 28 is what the boat came with there is a spare set in the bilge with Dominey Propeller...
Lowering the pitch by one inch when going up in number of blades is what I've been reading .I was just hoping to see if anybody had some real...
The current props are pretty banged up and have to be reconditioned not sure if I would be better off putting the money towards new ones
Currently running 26x28 3 blade Nibral cupped props on a 1988 46 Post powered by 550hp 692 Detroits with M1.5 Allison trans pulling 2250 RPMs ....
Freeport Marine has all bronze fittings nipples and hose barbs use wire reinforced hose for suction side
I like Thresher seared in a Black cast iron skillet a little spice rare. I think it is much tastier than Mako but everybodys taste is different
Yeah it looks like a mako I heard they taste just like chicken .
Those are all the safety concerns I had in the back of my mind . I did not think of the resale consequences without them I guess I'll leave them...
I could see why serious offshore fishing boats don't have bow rails