Compared tomost of these listed, my little 340 Sundancer hardly qualifies as a yacht, but she is well loved, now. Her maintenance has been...
Please do not use dimmed white lights on the bridge s it will seriously impair your crew's night visiion. Also, the "reds" on nautical charts is...
Check the shower drain. The shower typically drains into the sump and builds a soap scum that sours and really smells. Sorry, wrong forum, you...
Just picking nits here but growing greens consume co2 and produce oxygen
New to this site Bravo!!! to YF. I'm relatively new to this site and and really glad to see responsible moderating on what I'm more and more...
I have no experience with uv in marine mechanical use but in marine aquaria the uv bulb must be submerged to prevent it being blocked by the...