An engine that never needs a reman (out of the application) would be better or maybe one with light enough and small enough parts to be taken out...
An engine picture from the other thread was a 90 degree V engine. A 60degree design might work better in a boat?
Of course I was joking about it leaking but what is NZ?
Oceania Marine - engine replacement - YouTube This one might leak.
I am taking a seminar that you guys might find interesting. It is offered by a company called Equilibria. You take a test and the test reveals...
Concepts Big engine room. Most engine rooms don't offer this advantage.
Concepts Big engine room. Most don't provide this advantage.
Concepts Maybe I should clarify that the processes I am speaking of are done at the factory and not in the field. The cylinder jug comes with...
Concepts With all due respect. If boats had zippers on them, that might be an option. Boats engine replacement is expensive and timely, even...
You have the idea.
I am also thinking about using Evans Coolant. No cavitation, it will not pass an electrical current and it is biodegradable.
Concepts The reason I asked is, I thought you might be thinking of O-rings. I am thinking of a different approach. One is a press fit by...
Concepts What are the two additional failure points?
Concepts Yes, that is it. I misspelled this too.
Concepts One more question. Most marine engines under 500 hp do not have replaceable wet sleeves. If a line was offered from sailboat kickers to...
Concepts For those of you who are irritated by misspellings ( I hate it to), try typing Ridgid, with the R as lower case and see how the computer...
Concepts I recommend kicking the dog, it has got to make you feel better.
Concepts John's web link is on this site. I tried it and it doesn't seem to be working right now. I have his email address. We shouldn't post...
Concepts I have some information that one of you might find useful someday. A man by the name of John Kelly is consulting on the engine project....
Ms I understand that a lot of people with this live fairly normal lives. Hopefully the doctors will stop the progression and Kevin can move...