Hi. Sorry for the late response. I just noticed the email notification on this post. Insurance was the biggest challenge since we had not owned a...
Make sure you keep a log of all training that you take. Date, hours, subject etc. Count everything, even maintenance courses etc at boat shows....
My wife and I did something very similar 5 years ago. No experience at all and chucked everything and did a full two years up and down the east...
I had that happen in two locations near the front windshield. The spot was several inches in diameter. I was able to make a small slice in the...
Unfortunately, the blog is no longer active. I did pull all the content with a plan to turn it into a short e-book. Just no time yet. I sent you...
Read the blog quick. The site will be shut down soon. The website hosting company wants $500 to keep it open. Good luck!!!
Another thing to consider is that we purchased a boat that needed work from the start (some of which we knew going in). Believe me, $10,000 does...
Hi Audacious I do like to watch some of the posts here. Always interesting to see the stories. Good choice on the Navigator. That was our...
Hi Thirdwaver. While yes, we did have some expensive repairs, I would say they were not extraordinary in the world of boating. I think a good...
Hi Jim We chose the Neptunus for several reasons. One of them was the construction quality. I think they are very well built and very solid....
Hello Jim. Thanks for the note. I'm glad you found the information helpful. There is so much to learn and plenty of challenges, but, they're all...
Livetoboat66 You are quite welcome. I'm glad you found our experience helpful. My wife has written a blog about our adventure as well. The...
Thanks Guys. I estimate that we've travelled about 6000++ miles so far. I hope that anyone "on the fence" about this kind of lifestyle jumps in...
As the title of my post states, I thought I would chronicle our adventure of buying our first boat for full time live aboard and work aboard. The...
A2B As stated by others, read everything you can find. This forum is an awesome resource. My wife and I sold everything 16 months ago and have...
Thanks Contacted A Star and he responded quickly.
Hi All Does anyone have a suggestion for a good Cruisair AC repair guy in Annapolis? Thanks much. Jim
Thanks for the feedback guys. The price quotes that we have received just seem out of line with logic for the amount of work required $3000 to...
Hello Folks Now that I have our engine controls back up and running, I can move on to the next project. We need to get our dinette reupholstered....
Thanks to everyone for the recommendation of Smith and Wick. Charlie was prompt and quickly diagnosed and repaired the problem. I would highly...