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MythBusters did a segment on this years ago. Something to the effect of hanging a turkey directly in front of the scanner. If I remember the...
Giving the Capt/Owner the benefit of the doubt, he my be heading to one of the shipyards up the river to get that platform fixed. I've limped home...
We were taught that yes, in and of itself AC power, being 50/60Hz, can generate small amounts of power. Many power/voltage testers do just that,...
That'll buff right up, look pristine in no time. Just needs a little elbow grease. LOL
Flight = no You are in Panama She was hired in Panama Her home is in Panama If she wants to visit her parents in Brazil that's her dime.
Speed Limit Petition for Endangered Rice’s Whales Denied by NOAA...
MANY years ago I worked for one of the, then, owners of Chub. Of course he also had the about the largest boat that could get in. (And largest...
My eyes hurt. I can't un-see that.
In the early to mid 90's I spent quite a bit of time there on a beamy 120'. Bit tight doing a rotation to back down to the inner basin T head the...
+ 1
It's been quite a few years since I've been there, and many things have changed, so do your homework first. But in St Thomas, just to the west of...
I was the engineer on her in mid 80's, before the extension, when she was Gran Mudder.
Normally I'd take vented over non vented any day. The basic condenser non vented just doesn't work. But these days there is a new third option...
Sorry, I wasn't referencing the shrink wrap. Just having electricity onboard an unmanned transport.
Neve heard of that before. Whenever I've shipped the rule was, "If you want electricity you have to have riding crew member" no crew = no...
Just saw this. One of the Midnight Lace 44's flooded in her slip, now for sale at salvage, in Oxford Md....
Kinda unique, but I'm underwhelmed. 35 yrs ago I was Ch Engineer on a 115', that was only slightly slower, we topped at 32-34 knts, and cruised...
Fixed it for ya' There’s a stringer wall in between the walkway between the two engines quite high so the boat could leak a lot of fuel or oil...
But that still doesn't say WHY the rear door was opened. From putting pieces together gives me the idea this MAY have happened. 1) Reports of...