If you have the davits for it. 40 kt water 80+ mph highway Watercar FAQ's [IMG]
milo12, If your interested in the Island Pilot DSe, and it appears non members can post on this forum, I'll give Reuban a link here.
I want to thank you for posting this link. I'm reading that 1st edition cover to cover. It spells out the future of diesel electric marine...
This one crossed the Atlantic using a heavy catamaran ferry hull on 10 kw of solar running 5.5 kt avarage. transatlantic21: The world's first...
That vessel displaced 3 times as much as my planned boat and as you crunched the numbers got close to 6 nm per gallon running at twice the cruise...
CaptJ, I've used the 36 hp Yanmar outboard before, tough little unit but way too noisy. A pair of the 27 hp units were used on a 35' multihull...
I'm not bringing it into the equation Yachtjocky. 175 hp to 250 hp twin outboards is what the boat is spec'd for, I'm wanting to try electric...
That's OK, wouldn't want you to waste your time. I know a few engineers that prefer to keep the old man out of the loop. Most though were willing...
As one deckie to another, I felt like I was spinning my wheels trying to tell CaptJ, that you weren't going fill a 240 kwhr battery in 3 hours...
On props all I said is a large diameter slower turning prop is more efficient than a smaller faster turning prop for the same speed. But on to...
I accept that your an engineer and I'm just a deckie, but will you at least give me this.... 1) Efficiency isn't the same lightly loading a...
I'm new to this forum, but I would think the membership isn't all deckies like me. Where are the engineers that can shine some light on P= I X E...
additional options like maybe 3 more of those 22 kw chargers. That is the only way to charge in 3 hours. 308 kwhr / 3 hours = 103 kw and if the...
How does a charger input 8 kw and outputs 44 kw? And that output is required for a 7 hour, not 3 hour charge. A 10 kw generator would be 40 amps...
The website is wrong by a factor of 10. I'll try and find it if you don't have a link for me. This is what the web site said.... "....The boat...
Think in terms of energy storage. Voltage and amps isn't involved in storage but volts X amps = watts. The boat's battery has a capacity (storage)...
The batteries are 240 kwhr so charging at 8 kw will take 30 hours.
Thanks for the link, some impressive engineering. torque vectoring, and what future cars will be capable of on stored electrons instead of dead...
It has 240 kWhr lithium-ion battery packs that tip the scales at 4,840 lbs Typically for each doubling of speed requires an 8 fold increase in...
2220 hp electric is 1656 KW, so if they had batteries to run it full bore for 15 minutes, at 100% conversion efficiency would be 414 KWhr bank. 3...