I wouldn't skip the survey. You said this is your first real boat. your going to have to have a survey for insurance coverage anyway if you keep...
I agree. I didn't design it but it is what it is. Thats why I installed my aft cabin ac aftermarket unit elsewhere. I bet every boat owner can rub...
I have the same boat a carver 405. He can get it out if he moves the water tank .which comes out through the access under the mattress. That...
He may not want to spend what it cost to upgrade on a old ac unit. A fx thermostst will be a few hundred and yes they are nice. but whatever I...
Cruisair? I have a vertical 3 knob complete unit I removed when replacing my ac if you decide you need parts I can sell.
i have a 405 but not a oem ac in the aft cabin i installed mine in a different space. however i know the head board comes out too. i did have to...
I dont have your model boat but a 405 with multiple ac units. If you have one pump a common intake which you found and 3 units there will 3...
A dc fridge even a full size as I have only draws 4-6 amps dc. It doesn't run all day so the duty cycle will determine how much actual is...
I have a carver 405. Next size up from your 355. The wiring is the way carver did it except it would have had 1 12v not 2 6v for the house. What...
Guessing you know your battery is not totally dead. as in 0 volts. Altenator won't be the issue. Are you getting any reading when the key is on?...
Don't have your boat so I don't know the size but here's 2 options that are similar you can also call carver parts with your hull number and they...
To shut him up install a fuel flow meter
I didn't have rot except around some of the screw holes I caught it very very early I didn't have any major problems if I had let it go that may...
i have read lots about platform on our carvers and the lack of sealant from the factory. i have a 405 which is the next size up from your 355....
you cleaned out the rust in the distributors. did you check the timing?what kind of advance are you getting? agree check compression and fuel...
if you want to use veneer then google "teak veneer" you will see a plethora of websites to pick from, even ebay
thanks so much for posting this info. i sure wish more people would do this when they have info to share!
Ober filter will be first look for black disc like filter nut in the middle of it. Turn off fuel put a container under it to catch gas and unscrew...
what boat? year? and engine? if tbi then check and clean/replace the 3 fuel filters. if carb check what you have. 2 probably. check anti siphon...
i assume you have the 454 xli engine which is throttle body.as my 1997 carver 405 does. there are 3 fuel filters before the throttle body. since...