Roger That........
Took year to get to the bottom of this issue. But it is fixed. :) Both distributors replaced and engines are running great. The inside of the...
Thanks to all of you. Timing is at 10 degree BTDC now. I am convinced after using a timing light on the Port engine that their is a timing issue...
New Wires, Plugs, Rotor, Cap & Carbs. Both Carbs are refurbs from a shop with an A rating. Engine has been acting up for 3 months. Jack with...
rcapps thanks for your reply. I am mechanically challenged. I have had to tinker with some of the issues on my Carver simply because the local...
Timing Degree on 84 Big Block 454 Thanks to all. They are equipped with q-jets and the points were traded in for electronic. I will see were...
Can anyone tell me what the degree timing would be on my 84 Crusader 454 ? My manual has nothing on the engines.
Deck Hatch Try Defender Marine or West Marine both have on-line catalogs.
Replacement Ports No Worries Did Defender make good on the order of replacement Ports (Windows) ? Just curious as I need to do the same for my...
Please do that............ Thanks
Ports Lets us know if they get your order filled and not back ordered. I have the same situation with my 84 Carver 3607. I did not see the Port...
All, I am in need of a engine for my Kohler Genset. The engine has a cracked block. Confirmed. The generator portion performs great. I realize...
You might snap a pic of intakes on the walking surface. I have an 84 model 3607 Aft. I have 3 intakes on the Port walking surface. 2- are the...
Frig Replacemnet Google the Marvel with the Model #. It will be in the owners manual for the Marvel. At least it was in the Manual for the...
Thanks NYCAP123 sorry i missed you.
Gas Fumes It took a couple months to get it done (MY Fault) but by changing the Fuel tank filler neck hoses it did indeed eliminate the gas fumes...
Thanks Talexander38 for the heads up. i am a bit of a tinkerer so i will check this out. Had no idea about the book shelf entry biz. Big Al
mam234 Thanks and i will check into this straight away.
Gas Fumes Thanks mam234 for the tip. How do i access the fuel fill hoses ?
Thanks for all of the tips. I will post up when i get this figured out. Been down with the Flu. Man it is ruff stuff.