1/40 isn't enough HP for a evaporator.
I would not be surprised if it was caused by lithium batteries.
IMO there should be all breakers on a boat , no fuses.
A lot of times its faster to cut it all out and start over .
Backup when at sea .
Ok then go back to the original problem . No shore power. What is a ACME ? Isolation transformer ? we will pick up and go from there . I read...
Do what you just did , run the two 30 amp ones in parallel .
:):):):):):):):):):):):) Remember : Natalee Hollaway.................. Walt
Thats what I was thinking .
A loose connection would be high on my list. After rereading the op post it is likely that coil isn't sucking the contactor closed. Try manually...
Repair the burned wire , then get a can of electrical contact cleaner and spray where they spark. Unless you blew a silver contact pad completely...
Heat wise I would scavenge as much as possible from your engines and generators. Then install a electric furnace . They are small, hang from the...
Starting with IE ,then EDGE, Microsoft already announced plans for a new browser in 2 years.
It takes more energy to disassociate water into hydrogen & oxygen , so you'll be always be running at net loss.
In the 1980s before the "Montreal Protocol" when into effect R-12 cost me $26.00 for a #30 pound jug.
One caution to the tag on the compressor. That's what refrigerant it was designed for. Many R-12 systems were flushed , oil changed and 134a was...
Now that I took a minute to look at a AB 140, 3 diesel waterjets with a 3'11" draft, I defiantly see what attracted you to her now & where the...
I always felt uncomfortable doing 20 t0 40 knots no matter how much I trusted the captain on the SF models that don't have a forward looking...
What about those all aluminum 130/140 /150 Palmer Johnsons ? Liked there look.
12 minutes running the gamut of speed. Ps: Don't assume that what's available now, oars, sails, props and pumps are the only way to move a boat....