I am curious, what boat did you end up building/buying?
Really three sides to every store. Side A, Side B, and the Truth.
Such a big girl with hardly any wake!
She could be my new favorite boat! I love her lines and style, truly a unique boat.
I thought that they had several firm orders? I guess that is not the case.
They kind of look like my old Kayot deck boats...
I very well could be wrong. But walking up and down the docks at any point of call, I don't see many people who have not been hard workers. I have...
It does take a ton of hard work. You have to be smart and in a good position in life. Most of the people I run into boating are self made or have...
My goodness. I have said this before, but my goodness she is such a good looking boat. I can't wait to see her! I would love to see her when she...
I do not understand what is going on? How is ti that the last two big boats to go down have had so many people go with the ship? And the fact that...
Good Lord. The upper structure really did taking a good hit. Would this be a total loss?
I am in a very similar position. I am in a safe small marina. I did have the older piling removed and new ones longer ones installed. We chain the...
The way that I look at it is, This could be one hell of a great deal.
I really do prefer Red Hook! At this point we can fit in. And at 85' you would most likely be on one of the front T docks. And I love to take the...
I have way more fun at Red Hook. They have some of the islands best places to eat, great bars, and a great food market. It is also very easy to...
That really all depends on what kind of boat you are looking to dock! Could you tell us more about her?
Darn… I would have been on of the guest then! As stupid as it sounds, I did watch the show. And knowing Bravo, it will have the same story line again.
??? As someone who owns a business and a few boats, I do not understand why you would intertwine the two. In fact I have never meet a person or...
You do bring up a point. I do not think that the exterior and the interior match well. I thought that she would be a little bit more modern and...
I personal feel that biodiesel is the way to go. A) I am from the Mid-West and I know that we have the farmers to grow the right crops. If only...