what did you do with the 70? is it still around? I saw some pictures of it at a marina sitting dry dock must have been when you had it and were...
SHAZAM, Did you work for Victor Posner? My wife and I went down to the Cary plant a few years back shortly after he died to try to buy some parts...
That is awsome, I want the areson's on mine really bad. As a attension getter they dont get much better. post some more pics if you will and where...
The one up here belongs to the Van Andels/ Devos (Amway corp) and has the Deutz engines. (I think thats what they are) Real pretty lots of chrome....
The 3208's x 3 out weighed the quad big block set up so they are a little faster with the gas engines and TRS set up. All the stearn weight is...
I'm on the other side (west shore Lake Michigan) what has he got for power and what year is his? We have 2 marinas on Lake Erie also.
good looking Cary, you have to be a hot rodder to keep all 4 engines running. where does he keep that boat, I havent ever seen that one before?
Any idea what it costs for a small whaler or boat to rent? I was at the convention center last Febuary for the Marina show and didnt realize that...
I have spent time in Ft Lauderdale in the winter and Chuck's Steakhouse on 17th street is my favorite place because I like steak. Any other...
Jim Thompson ? not sure what boat does he have I'm terrible with names and when you have around a thousand customers its really hard to learn them...
Thats the one.
I have the Thursday pass as well as the full week pass and since I'm the GM at Great Lakes Marina it is a business trip as well as pleasure.
I'm going to the Ft Lauderdale Boat Show for the 1st time this year and I would like to know is there anything I should see or do that is special?...
Ok then, what else is out there in Cary parts or even a parts boat, I would be interested in buying, BEFORE THEY GET SCRAPED!!!....:cool:
You threw out a dash panel:eek: I'm going to be sick.... anyone else have any Cary's for parts????
heres a pic of the dash
lights in hatches are cheap but still in desent shape. I do need a dash panel if anyone knows where there might be a parts boat? I found the...
It has gone thru alot of ungrades over the years...
You are correct! this is the 2nd to the last built in Grand Haven Mi. Titled as a 1989 but didnt hit the water until 1991. one of two that have...
I will try to up load some pictures but not much luck so far