Welcome to YachtForums, Emerson stock! I suspect you'll not get any help from Pbrads1021 as the last time he logged in here was May 6, 2014. The...
I don't see the image, either. All I see is: [IMG]
I guess I don't get it. How could Maritna_ra stating, "It's rumoured that Mark Zuckerberg is the new owner." be dangerous?
Welcome to YachtForums (YF), MichaelJC159. It's a real long shot that your message will find Nita. She hasn't logged in to YF since June 9,...
Please, let us know what you find out.
You got it right, K1W1.
Yes, I read that line. There can be a difference between when Beau last posted and when he last logged in to YF. You said, "Hello Beau," as if...
Beau hasn't logged in to YF since January 30, 2021.
Did anyone get a message from their antivirus software like I received below from Norton 360 antivirus software? [ATTACH]
Welcome to YF, Jcnole77. You're not likely to hear from Waterhog as he hasn't logged in to YF in almost 11 years. I log in to YF all the time,...
Hey, Patty, welcome to YF. You shouldn't expect to hear from m2m as the last time he logged in to YF was August 3, 2012.
Don't quit on us now, Chris! You were just getting to the good stuff. :) Welcome to YF.
Not in yachts.:rolleyes:
I like your approach to LarryG's post. In the olden days you would have just killed LarryG's membership. At least, now, your leaving wiggle room...
So, Catepillar, MAN, MTU, Cummins, et al don't know about the possible harmful effects of underwater exhausts, and yet, they still warrant their...
I have no numbers to post; that's why I'm questioning you about your statement that underwater exhausts have less back-pressure than above-water...
Actually, that's not what you said. You have now added the condition that you are comparing to a wet exhaust system, but with no numbers to...
Are you saying that the underwater-exhaust back-pressure is less than it would be if discharged above water into the air?
Popobowa hasn't logged in to YF since June 4, 2021.
Welcome to YF, Puntrooskie1. Cat got your tongue?:confused: