You can pull the ram and take it to any hydraulic shop. Nothing special about it but not cheap either.
Might want to look at other similar systems such as zipwake, Humphree or volvo. The Seakeeper isn't really as revolutionary as they make out....
My wesmar system (DSP5000) has two modes. One for beam and one for following seas. The following seas setting does make a big difference. Ride...
I'm not sure that rule was interpreted correctly. If you are over 300 gt you don't need a semi -portable if you have a fixed system. But if you...
Yes - really two simple options. 1) "snorkel" the air intake internally so that water cannot enter without going up hill. 2) auto shut the...
Hull design is only one part. Look at the glass in the boat. Force 7 is generally considered to have Large waves that would be breaking across...
For mechanical engines, such as DD, check out the actisense EMU. It does analog to NMEA 2000. There's another one out there but I can't remember...
One big advantage of wireless is anchoring. Can deploy or retrieve anchor much easier single handedly.
Depends on your existing controls and options. twin or single, bow thruster, stern thruster, anchor windlass. Was about $16k for my boat....
Check out It's really designed for sailboats but you setup the polar for a power boat and it works very well. Like $60...
A shutdown is what happened in Baltimore. Lose power - lose steering. Maybe better to cause a little damage than a lot of damage.
Chalks - as in O. Roy Chalks Trans Caribbean Air? I worked for him in the 80's & early 90's. After he sold to American Airlines. Quite a character.
Who was operating the boat? Paid captain or owner? Either way obviously not paying attention.
I used to look at these type of projects and thought it would be cool to do one. I learned moving up from a 32 to a 44 to a 58 that the amount of...
These are great engines. Look at the color of the paint on the tube leading to the aftercooler. The harder they were run the darker the paint....
There are already two tunnels. Hazmat trucks cannot go in the tunnels.
Thanks for the info. I've heard Worton Creek might be able to handle a job like this but I also heard they changed hands and are not the same as...
I have a 1999 symbol 558. We really like the boat but the one thing it lacks for us is a side boarding door. It seems they added this in 2002 or...
And in a 35' boat you're most likely not going 10 knots - More like 8., You won't be on plane at 10 but you will be burning as much fuel as if...
You're forgetting that the switch was from detroits which exhaust on every stroke to 4 cycle so the volume of exhaust is actually less.