What is best way to pull this door?[ATTACH]
This is the best I can do for now. They came out great.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I won't have a picture for a couple more weeks. They do look great, especially with the new lED bulbs.
Thanks for reminding me.
[ATTACH] Here are the refurbished babies. Polished outside housings with Noxon. New stainless bulb sockets, new led bulbs, new rivet's, new...
Truly real professional job! Thanks for sharing.
We made one that uses 6 snaps. Rolls up in a bag. Only used a few times.
Thanks, they are on the bench and I'm doing just that.
I will keep you posted. Thanks
[ATTACH] Fire Me Teak Awlgrip
'91 46. I've asked this question a few years back in a post and some people really tried to help but I was not able to come up with anything at...
Yes. Several years ago I wanted to paint a teak stripe across the front of the boat where your teak is mounted. I worked with the paint Master at...
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Go back one page. Post a new thread. This forum Is very alive.
Thanks Chris. I need to plum in the valves to make the process easier. David
Yes. My use of the word warm meant more bacteria.
Thanks. My reply was agreeing that I too backflush using barnacle buster.
Thanks I've been back flushing each unit as well. Unfortunately I have to pull the hoses off in order to do it and it does take me a while. I...
Thanks a lot Ralph for your helpful information. The configuration is the 46 post 1991. The system has two Cruiser air conditioning systems one...
Thanks. I was trying to come up with a solution when we're not close to the boat. The fresh water is pressurized as you know.