The video has been on CMD's website for years: see Zeus Video on their home page. There is a side-by-side grounding shown in addition to the pier...
I am late to this party, but I have a couple comments. I have done some work looking into the damage that large floating logs (common in the...
I agree with Seafarer, it makes sense to have a drive on a bigger, stronger boat break off at a higher force. IPS doesn't use bolts, it breaks...
I think the absence of flat walls is why the video showed the drive hitting an angled plate. I do not know what boat weight Volvo assumed when...
What do you mean by a dead stop? Stopping in a few feet is very different from stopping in a few inches - the g force is 10 times less. If you hit...
I asked CMD and Volvo a lot of questions at the boat show. They don't say anything about each other, but they are surprisingly forthcoming about...
You can see tests of Zeus in a sandbar (soft) grounding and hitting a concrete pier at both low and high speed. I saw it at Miami and the video is...