He is a nervous inexperienced boater, nothing more. There was a long thread about this on a competing web site and one of the conclusions was it...
Are these boats towed all the way around to Holland via the Med and Atlantic?
Straight to Dry dock in BCN?
"Don't be a coward, go to sea on a Broward" That's all I got!
I've towed a Freeman 47 for several thousand miles. Tow points should be low as possible, never had concerns on the fuel levels, although I tend...
I presented the "are boat shows necessary" to a well known broker. He did not have the answer, but he did say one of his clients had the...
I thought the Convention center was empty on Friday, but the docks were a lot busier than Wed. Anecdotaly I was told 2nd hand that Informa is...
I heard she also hit the breakwater coming in. I was there a few months ago and there is a bit of current at the entrance to the marina, for a...
Interesting, another unfaired yacht. Not aesthetically pleasing, but can make sense in certain situations.
I was told it recently sold!
Form a former Capt., I think down flooding was the most likely cause of the sinking, more so than the knock down. The Angle of Vanishing...
Not sure on pricing, but deck cargo is about 10-20% cheaper, maybe more for a boat that size. Just don't be on a time schedule, they are...
Disappointed in the SEA group CEO blaming the Captain before all factors are known. Maybe a case of CYA!! Under normal circumstances there is...
I was next to Malia the other day. She is a high volume yacht, and very good looking. Nero was anchored behind her and she dwarfed her.
Note to self: Don't have your boss post anything to social media that will cause social media to blow up and bring out all the Monday morning...
Yeah, it's call an attentive anchor watch. Don't know if they have such an alarm, I know I don't, but if the wind piped up to 50 I surely would...
From a knowledgeable Whatsapp post: LM did not drag, Venus anchored to close, wind came up, LM stretched out their anchor chain and collided with...
I just saw Venus here in Naples, but not LM. Wonder when this happened?
remember the one that sank on the New River in FTL a few years back because of an open transom door and the wake of a couple of tugs? I watched...
So if they are hyping the charter income, does the "Loon" charter business and social media go with it? Name reserved? How much value does that...