Hi, I am interested in the maintenance schedule of a small yacht (45-55ft), one inboard engine, small gen, watermaker, aircon, ... Vendor...
Today there is an article/interview with a former captain of the ship, who describes some construction details and limits. Article in German, but...
Could not access the link above, but here is the story with the pic too: Two Rescued After Luxury Yacht Sinks Off St. Augustine...
I'm following the current arkea Ultim Challenge (100ft sailing tri, solo, non stop round the world). 2 of the participants damaged their foils due...
also use 3 kus, 100% happy
It's an old discussion, but saw her today in Reykjavik, Iceland. Such a beautiful ship!
I share Pascals view about volume. Just look at cars from the 60-70s and todays SUVs. The "dominating" look of a current Audi, BMW or US trucks...
Incredible that the first 2 are now some 110nm apart, with 65nm to go!
Is there some kind of guide, website, reference of marinas with fuel stations for Europe? I use 888 Harbours for Croatia, ADAC website for France...
Sorry for asking, might be stupid, but is there any traffic limit for residential or roam usage? Can't find this info on SL site...
Hi, anybody in Düsseldorf at the Boot this weekend?
[IMG] Galeon 560 Fly
How desperate one has to be to even consider such a trip... And in the end for what? Being send back with the same ship?
Just came about this product... Sentinel Cam – Yacht Sentinel (yacht-sentinel.com) I cannot say anything about it...
The De Antonio D46 Cruiser has all you asked for, inkl little tender garage... and there is a larger 50 if needed...
2 weeks ago I saw her berthed in Monfalcone, Italy. Her name was changed to "Lady Bahi".
@french trailers: in eastern Europe you see quite often western European trailers, they get sold off and like small cars go to Africa, trailers go...
Another channel reported, that the actual main question behind is insurance. Valid insurance is needed for "everything" and European and US...
I think we al share the feeling to stumble from one crisis to the other, but these (Covid & Ukraine) are two fundamentally different thing. One is...
I can't imagine the situation in Tonga, if there is no communication at all, no SSB, not Sat phone, ... look at the before / after slider in the...