FOD checks or FOD walks before commencing flying operation on a yacht or any other ship should be part of the SOP for any ship. Even the US-Navy...
One important subject, as far as helicopter operation on yachts are concerned, is the weather. As I assume, we are not talking about IFR...
Not even close. It is just a conversion of a standard MPV cargo vessel. The aft superstructure was extended forward above the tween deck and the...
Close but no cigar. Search again. This ship is much to prominent and I would never ever buy a ship from this yard. My shadow is longer than 150...
Removing the blades for crossings and storing them in a watertight box is absolutely perfect, when storing the H-130 on the open top deck. But...
One more item, that is often forgotten, are the pop-out floats. Especially on a single engine helicopter like the H-130, they may be a life saving...
On-ship operation of a helicopter requires a lot of professionalism. And this both from the flying point of view and from the on-board parking and...
In the nineties, we had a 24 meter moonen in the family. An absolutely high quality, one off twin engine full displacement yacht. Painting second...
Hello mapism, As long as the percentage of the Chineese shareholding stays below the blocking minority of 25 %, I would not call that controlling...
Mapism, You got me on the VW diesel emissions fraud but I am a pure Mercedes driver and owner. But this Princess is build for the Italian market....
But if You look at picture 2 of Pascals post number 1. Here You can clearly see the Italian trick with the detachable bow, in order to stay within...
K1W1, I agree with You. She is big and impressive when looking at her from close distance. But that monster is not good for anything, except maybe...
I agree, bizzare but I would add ugly and totally unpracticable both for motoring and sailing. Design over functionality! Just my 2 (Euro) cents.
No it is not. During my time as a military jet pilot, I had to attent anual low pressure chamber and hypoxia recognition training. Even under...
Autopsy reveals grisly facts about the cause of death of some Bayesian victims. Not all victims found in the hull died on drowning. Some of the...
And that is what it looked like inside the cabin after the crash. A pretty big mess. [ATTACH] I believe that there is more work to do than just...
That hurts!!! A 23 year old employee of a luxury car dealer crashed a 1990, 3 Million Euro Ferrary F 40 with 21.000 km on the counter during a...
There is not very much to be simplified on a dynarigg. There is no alternative to the Inmast furling, as the vertical inyard furling will not work...
Hello Brian, Your picture shows a cross section of a 62 ft sailing catamaran. If You translate this picture to a 165 ft sailing catamaran, we are...
Brian, I am very familiar with the catamaran Douce France. I have been a guest on her once, when she was on the hook besides us. She is the boat,...