It looks interesting. I also saw a urethane adhesive you can inject from a caulking cartridge unloaded into a grease gun. Same idea. Drill a lolt...
Thanks for the tips and advice IR. I have a Chris Commander, 1967. It also has fiberglass stringers which is what drew me to it initially. That is...
I am looking at a 1978 Post 42 this weekend. Photos look good. Diesel power, 1200 hrs. Island Runner your boat looks awsome. The amount of work...
I'll look the rear deck areas over carefully. Thanks foer the tip. Can you comment on the hull stringer construction? Any wood to rot there?
42 Post Question the boat is a 1978 model with diesels. 1200 hrs. Reported to have a soft spot in the rear deck at the base of the ladder. Not...
Looking at buying a late 70"s model. Nice boat. One question on construction, are the stringers built with encapsulated wood or are they 100%...