Looking at the whole sequence this was totally avoidable from the "Stand-By" boat. No matter who had the right of way. They skipper of...
When we run at speed we are around 21 knots/25 mph When we ran in the bigger stuff from NY to Atlantic City we ran hull speed around 10-11 knots....
The white thing was my towel from the pre-dawn shower drying! Waiting? I was weary about the conditions in the Atlantic the later I waited....
Well the rig will rest for a month in Chesapeak Bay. Then we are heading to the Offshore World Championship in Key West the first week of...
-Nuke Plant in South Jersey on Delaware Bay BTW that Bay is weird as hell to boat on rough... shallow and brown. I hope it's nicer on other...
After a day in AC getting diesel money winning a little money watching the football games... Left Monday Morning, here is some vids from the...
Saturday the 27th, was an interesting day. Left Highlands NJ around 7 AM went back up around Sandy Hook and hit 8-10 footers, they were well...
Tracking from the run on Friday the 26th... We were doing fine till we hit 15 footers North of Sandy Hook... Passing the Statue of Liberty
Going through one of the Locks on the Champlain Canal Clearing the lowest Bridge on the way to like Champlain, Clearance was just above 17 feet...
-Getting passed by Amtrak in the Southern end of Lake Champlain -Some Bird hanging out on the side of the lake -More like a River arriving in...
-Cliffs on Lake Champlain south of Essex NY -Passing the Crown Point NY Bridge -Thank God for auto pilot
Left Vermont last Wednesday Sept 24th with our Azimut 46 on our way to Chesapeak Bay for a month and then Florida for the winter. Here is the...
We have the two room upfront layout... This is from the information I gathered when doing my homework shopping back in the spring. Hope this...
Couple pics of the layout.
Attached is a boat test also of the rig done on the model in your price range. http://www.thelog.com/BoatTests/theBoatTest.aspx?x=221
The specs form Azimut are here: http://www.****************/gallery_azimut46.htm Here is a PDF of the specs.
Indeed ... 2200 Pardon the remnants of running Cigs for so long!!! :D
We bought an Azimut 46 last May had I have been very satisfied with it. Like you we have two kids and cruise a fair amount. This is my first...
Took the Azimut up to Montreal for the Grand Prix this weekend. Fueled at $5.15 when leaving the US in Mallets Bay Vermont last Wednesday and...