Not sure the pilot was at fault IF he was in the designated seaplane lane, if so, the boat was in the wrong place at the wrong time.:( That being... Glad they survived, wow...
Why not, I am always looking for a happy ending..:cool:
I didn’t click the links until I saw the comments.. Yes, teak decks especially in Florida or further South is a bad idea, been there done that: I...
Not in my world, I had a Wilcox Crittenden head on my first boat, the Rolls Royce of Thrones, at least it was 40 years ago. Raritan on the next...
Lucky you.. I heard about several times before, but didn’t worry about, until it happened to me. Here is a brief from a sailboat board:
Yeah, there are more modern heads and a bigger boat will have electric automatic heads, just push a button. (Never seen one of those explode, but...
Yeah, either take it out weekly to keep the boat and yourself in shape, or have a diver come once a month to clean the running gear and dust of...
Unforeseen challenges? Depends: Will you be cruising from Marina to Marina, or anchoring out? Foreign countries, USA mainland, Islands, etc?...
Yep, same boat then. The previous owner and I drove to Miami and picked up a raft each, then we delivered them to our boats and celebrated the...
The boat looks familiar, was it in Fort Lauderdale at Marina Bay for a few years? If so I helped the owner put a 6 pack Offshore Viking life raft...
Well, yes. On an old derelict gasoline powered boat, fumes may be expected.. You may be sitting on a ticking time bomb, don’t flip any switches...
This.. Info to the Original Poster: A big boat, in Mediterranean, in a nice port, with dockage, crew and commercial insurance and equipment for...
Troll Post of the Year? :D If not, then you are an optimist, maybe even a reckless one. Way too many things can go wrong with the above plan, but...
Blinking red light on the charger? Not a good sign.. Take a picture of the charger and the make/model plate and use Google to see the online...
Here you go; [ATTACH]
Guess I was late to the party then, thx for posting the details.
No details yet except this picture..
Yup. I watched the same Blue Angels documentary 2 days ago, highly recommended and very impressive. (Glad my tax money are going to folks who...