Cape Horn Owners' Rendezvous! We are having a raft-up of current and previous owners at Bell Harbor Marina in Seattle, September 10-12. Out of the...
Do I hear a clamor for another YF Kismet review? :D
Thanks, Paolo! I have a "survival story" for almost every CH. And thanks for the PMM copy. I haven't seen a picture of Dream Chaser in her...
Hi John -- Welcome to YF! This thread is about the only contentious one on this outstanding forum. And hopefully that is now behind us. So...
I lived on Fisher Island in the late 80s/early 90s and I was always impressed with the professional operation of the ferry crew. I on occasion was...
I did a copy and paste of all responses and sent them to my client. Thanks to all!
I made a post about my client who was a stroke victim and set a goal of crossing the Atlantic in his own boat:...
Thanks for the great responses!! My client bought a Hatteras 58LRC and is doing a total refit. Much appreciated!
I have a client looking for a 10' RIB for his 58' Hatteras. What are the best recommendations? Thanks!
Sorry, I didn't realize you were talking about MY but I should have known re-reading the question on the hp.
This is accessible to subscribing brokers and surveyors only. I don't mind an occasional lookup if someone needs it.
(1) Surveyors frequently assess the current market value as the same price on the Purchase & Sales Agreement. On one hand, they are right: if that...
Thank you so much! And my apologies to Ms. Kling! I hope your familiarity with her means that you have read her books. I recently read Bitter End...
I have a client who owns one of the commercial fishing trawlers featured on "Deadliest Catch." His personal yacht? A Cape Horn 52 with a single...
So glad Josie's name won out over yours, Capt. Crapps.
Really,Pascal? You, the great mariner, probably the most experienced captain and yacht owner in SoFla and you name your boat after inspiration...
I thought Blind Man's Bluff was a great book! I was inspired to read it when I found out that one of my clients (I sold his Cape Horn 63) was the...
I am reviving this old thread because I have a great new recommendation. Background story: I was invited aboard a yacht that recently concluded a...
The standard IYBA (International Yacht Brokers Assoc) purchase agreement does not call for admin fees. If you, as the buyer, are paying for a...