Many owners will object to a compression test, they do not want their engine partially taken apart and put back together, who knows the after...
Yep that works for 12 v set up so in theory you could use 4 .16's and get lots of poop.. I see Rock batts are also 16 v and reasonable price.
On my experimental 36 v set up 3x12 v batts they spin one of my v12's real good, not sure of the cca but no where near 1000, I have tried using...
If you series 2 batts to give you 32 v you will still only get the cranking amps of one battery, you need to up the # of batts to get the...
I think you would have to go series parallel to make that work and you would need more than 4 batts to do that ? I thought a 32 v charger would...
There are much higher outputs available in the 16 v series.. the following is the largest, some in between also. D16-31 MSRP $459.99 Buy Now >>...
Sounds interesting, specially if available to the public. I am currently experimenting with a 36 v set up on one side only and use it just for...
maybe I am missing something..A1 service injectors service..? A1 Changing Both valve caps on expansion tank
Hibanx, where did you get the info on DD's only lasting half as long as Mans ? like 3000 hrs, I have one with 7k on it and oil samples show good...
No worries other side all looks good. I check them all annually just in case can be expensive if one leaks water.
Thats what i said doing all 6..only one is bad, but the heads off so do them all. it's only a days work..
Need to replace one leaking injector tube, usually a tune is done after head re and re etc..all 6 on one side will be done, so am doing some pre...
Considering getting both tuned up, talked to local mechanic re, settings etc specially on the timing issue, injectors are N65 brown tag,...
Be sure the aluminum is totally free of scratches. pitting and imperfections and old coatings, otherwise what you put on will come off in places,...
Yes, you are missing something...what we need to know is boat type, make and model then we can offer suggestions.
So, can we assume that the anchor can still be deployed without the bow section installed ?
Well, he certainly skirted around the issue and made it lean towards the clients fault, he failed to actually address the specific issues in JW's....
Previous operator was confused on engine turn off, hit the emerg stops instead. Did not realize that, he should never have been allowed at the...
All fixed, the air flaps on the turbo discharge had been tripped, re set and flashed right up, thanks again for the first experience with...
Thanks, will investigate tomorrow..has to b something simple.