Where do you keep the boat during the summer? Maybe we'll bump into each other this coming summer, if it ever gets here:D
I currently own 2 Carvers "Alcove 1" which is for sale and "Run To You" that my wife says is finally our perfect boat.
Love the stairs, I'm having spirals installed this spring:)
Very interesting, but how would that system work on say, a 40' Carver? Seems it is just for lakers.
Mine has only 2 port lights......
I don't mean to be difficult, but are you sure it's 13 inches, because when I look at one on the net it looks to be more, like closer to 17"
Zack, there is no "normal" when it comes to a boat. Where did you notice the gas fumes? If it was in the engine room it could mean one or both...
I like the vinyl idea. I had a marine shop do the dash on my '67 Galaxie and it looks great. My issue is finding a place to re-do the aluminum...
Can I ask how much the stairs are costing you?
So by direct drive, does that mean there are no reduction gears and the props spin the same rpm as the engine?
Perfect, thank you very much Sea Ya. Just what I needed.
I don't have any pics and the survey is on the boat covered with shrinkwrap. The engines are facing forward, belts towards the bow. The...
I have a 1989 Carver 3607 with 8.2L Blue water Mercruisers and I'm wondering about the type of transmission it would have. I'm not too familiar...
Must be one heck of a storm............
Lots of luck, but if you find one let me know. I've been looking everywhere and can't find one.
Wow $69,000........ I wonder what that would fetch here in Canada where boat prices tend to be 20%+ higher than the US
Hmmm You're right. They look the same but after comparing both sterns on the net, they are different. Sorry for the assumption and...
Yes they are the same boat other than length.
Nobody able to do this.......aw come on someone. Pleeeeeeeeeeease:)