Airship, you sweep with a broad brush. As a laissez faire libertarian--not the Nazi that you allude to--I, like 99% of us on the planet that WE...
The socialism experiment has proven to be unaffordable, on both sides of the pond, much to the chagrin of the social mutants and the populations...
First of all, nice review, Judy, and it it appears to be a classy-looking boat. Along with diesel one, just some observations & opinions: It is,...
CODOG, it's admirable to take responsibility for one's own actions. In your case, however, it's not necessary to do so. Unless the KAW...
Hence, the good 'ol-fashioned monkey wrench designed for gripping pipes and shafts. Your Granddad has one in his garage.
Actually, that's an oil cooler you see ahead of the air-cooled 865 twin. Took delivery of this brand-new T100 end of March and the clock reads...
OMG. My RT1 was a black tank with red pinstripes, 1970 I think. We'd yank the lights, load up the bikes on a trailer (buddies with a DT1 and an...
Suitable for a shade-tree mechanic. [ATTACH]
"Deep down I would like a T140 but want a bike I can go to the garage and get on and it goes without the need for a pile of sawdust under it and a...
Amen. Yo, K1W1, where's the balls? No gots, OK, no need to denigrate them who got's 'em. Been riding/racing since I was 14, and never felt so...
Ah, K1W1, now I see what you're saying.
Since the horse apparently has not yet been beaten to death, I offer: 1) Perhaps mis-communication on my part, but I have been referring to...
So, K1W1, the manufacturers of RO systems who seel them/install them in US yachts, some equipped with a UV light --they are all breaking a rule?...
Not sure of the rules/regs in your area of the world, but if you check out the specs of any major US marine RO manufacturer, such as Village or...
"Treated water circuit" is a fancy way of saying "Hose leading from the RO machine to the FW tank. A fairly typical installation can be seen on...
The addition of a UV light in the treated water circuit will reduce algae formation and, presumably kill cooties as well.
I concur. In "Voyaging Under Power" by Beebe, if one takes the time to sift through all the technical bits, a larger and heavier boat than the...
And, K1W1, to add to your list, no kid in our neighborhood ever had their eye put out in a BB gun fight.
W. Arthur: Guest, Newmar, Mercury/Quicksilver and others can supply you with what you need. At least one large US yacht manufacturer installed...