An older one from the end of the sixties : the Natalita at Port Vauban in August 2003
One of their biggest in terms of lenght and the biggest in terms of volume : seven decks !!
Lady Christina at Cap d'Ail
Lady Christina at Cap d'Ail in August 2003
Lady Christina again at St. Trop
Lady Christina St. Tropez
Lady Christina at St Tropez in May 2003
Lady Christina She has carried a series of names : Ambrosia, Ambriosiana, Lady Lola and now Lady Christina
A famous name with Benetti is Ambrosia. Her owner from Hong Kong is presently building his third Ambrosia with the yard. This Lady Christina was...
Lionheart : another one in the Golden Bay series
Rima's II at Cannes the boarding platform and stairs were added later
Rima's II Preparing the lines...
Rima's II docking...
Rima's II at Cannes Rima's II...
Rima's II at Cannes...
Rima's II entering the Port de Cannes in August 2003
not often to be seen but a nice profile : Darnice III
An older yacht, the Galu
Taiba, ex-Golden Bay Taiba at Port Pierre Canto, december 2002.
Another one in the Golden Bay series : Golden Cell