I can confirm that Plan B does in fact have a submersible aboard. Not sure exactly where it is located, but one of my friends is a crew member at the moment and has mentioned it. I will ask him for more details.
She is definitely one beautiful yacht with wonderful lines. I like the second color scheme over the first from seeing the pictures. May have been nice to see in person but by the pictures I will take the second color scheme, but taste is a very personal thing.
Plan B 2nd recent refit was in 06. I t had just come up from New Zealand with a fresh refit, when new owner decided to change again.
Stunning yacht! Thats what I call a proper conversion. The paint job/scheme is immaculate, plenty of space for "toys", and a 7,000nm range. I too wonder how much the conversion cost for this yacht. Absolutely gorgeous.
Plan b arrives Panama on Monday 3 Have a nice day. Greets from Panama. Pdta. Sorry my camera has a wrong date i forgot to set up correctly when i change batteries
Port Louis Marnia Plan B is relaxing at Port Louis Marina in sunny St. George's, Grenada this weekend with a new Eurocopter EC 145 aboard...
When did Plan B sprout that huge mast? Seriously, thanks for the pic. Plan B is beautiful, in her own way, with a definite air of capability about her.
Plan B was supposed to be off the coast of Santiago, Chile right about now, they had to pick up some crew members that were on holiday, then continue to the Easter Islands... I was onboard the day before it left MIA... rumor has it there is a film crew also onboard, from National Geographic..
Plan B was... .. In the Galapagos two weeks ago, with a host of Hollywood types (di Caprio, Norton, Chevy Chase) with Nat Geo's Endeavour and a support vessel doing filming by the look of it. The helicopter was in heavy use and that takes some heavy licensing action to get done in the Galapagos. there was a rumour she's owned by Brad Pitt, but I think only because his film company is called Plan B..
I was on it last Saturday,,, currently at Pier 66, but leaving in about 10 days for the Med... ownership is based out of LaJolla, but i'm not at liberty to discuss the owner(s).. it's a magnificent vessel with tons of thought put into it..
She was docked next to a metal scrap yard at the very end of the miami river for about two months at the end of 2009. Stunning in person.
The progress of a great vessel It seems like everything has been said, but I'll still add my two cents. Flinders, was originally a Australian Navy Survey vessel and sold to a NZ businessman back I believe in/order late 2002, for a fantastic price. This even included three new Cat's 3512 that where meant for the vessel but never used. As mentioned by the someone already the boat was refitted in Whangarei, NZ. The head of the project was the Owner himself. The hull was basically kept as is (a couple of slight modifications) and the Superstructure was completely removed. The original fwd cargo hold was kept, along with the fully equipped E/R workshop down aft. The rest changed and modified to meet the owners needs. It was a great ergonomic lay-out for all the crew. The best I have ever seen. There were three tenders onboard the new Flinders. A jetboat (still onboard), a semi rigid game fishing boat "Protector" (still onboard) and a fantastic Landing Craft. Guest Accom for 12. Cinema, Gym room, Small pool (with swim jets) and a jacuzzi on the sundeck. She sailed from NZ in around Oct 2004. Spent the next 4 months in the French Pol and Cntrl America before crossing over to the Carib. Another busy 3 months cruising the Carib. At that point chartered by the new owners. A GOOD deal was struct and the vessel sold in early May 2005. After which she was in Jax, Fl for the following 2 1/2 years. It was there for so long mainly because the missus kept changing her mind! She still looks very similar. A few major changes were made.Zero Speeds were added. The Cargo hold was removed and made into crew qtrs. The Crew area was cut by a third and an extra two crew berths were added. The Flexi-teak decking was replaced with real teak. An ROV was added to the vessel (and side strobe, I think). A large amount of strengthening was added to the Sundeck for the Helicopter. During this period, they went through numerous Capts. The last one, left the day before it was meant to sail. One of the few people to know the vessel as Flinders and Plan B. My opinion is still she is a great boat, but her layout, design, function and Stability were better as Flinders.
Happened to be checking out a video on the WAITT Institute website and noticed that the research vessel they were using for their Rio Chagres Expedition is "Plan B". There is no mention of the yacht in the article but if you watch the video, it is definitely Plan B, at 0:12 and 0:17 into the video. Also the ROV at 0:37 Watch the video at: http://wid.waittinstitute.org/waitt-expedition-highlights or http://vimeo.com/3312947 It awesome to see yacht owner's using the vessels in the name of science and conservation. Keep up the great work guys, and don't be so secretive about it