I am considering a 2000 Silverton 453 but do not know much about the brand, the quality of their boats, the quality of this particular model etc. I would humbly request your help with feedback on the the brand and model. Specifically looking for feedback on issues or concerns you would have when considering making this purchase of this brand/model. Thanks in advance for your help
Hi, perhaps you will find something useful in the Silverton threads: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=60
Light, top heavy, slow, not a good sea boat. About on a par with Carver. OK in protected waters. Lots of steps; prefer Carver's layout for hanging with friends. OK dock queen (decent space inside and on deck). Pretty good engine room space. One I brought to Florida had (2) doors fall off (never hit any real seas) and the GPS kept losing fix (suspect lose connection from either bad installation or flexing). My friend brought it north and almost sank (don't remember the details, but it may have been the shaft log). He also had all electronics go down.
Thank you so much for the input. This is the kind of information I was looking for not knowing much about the brand. I have heard about Carver and their lack of quality. I am in the market for a used boat. We are a family of six with four daughters 12-4 in age. I am looking for a 150k max boat that can fit us comfortably, have sleeping quarters for all, it is a great sea boat and one that we can take on long trips when we are afforded the time. What are your thoughts on what brand and model boat within this price range would be a good buy?
Your ideas are most welcomed... I am in the market for a used boat. We are a family of six with four daughters 12-4 in age. I am looking for a $150k max boat that can fit us comfortably, have sleeping quarters for all, it is a great sea boat and one that we can take on long trips when we are afforded the time. What are your thoughts on what brand and model boat within this price range would be a good buy?
Flybridge or express? Go on Yachtworld. If your budget is $150K set your search criteria price at $200K. You will find a lot of choices in 42-50 feet, mostly built in the 1990's, fiberglass, twin diesel. Typically you will have two double staterooms with additional convertible berths in the salon for two more. Stay away from foam core below the waterline. Put up some more details if you're looking for a brand/model.
4 daughters, a wife and you. Hmmmmm. Hope it doesn't rain. Age of the kids and how well they get along will be key. On many 50' boats you'll find 2 decent staterooms and a third with 2 very small bunks or the galley or salon convert. Have your wife take a good look at the heads also. "one that we can take on long trips" catches my attention. With that budget I might think of going a bit older. There are too many boats to start naming names. Any others that have caught your attention? Sea Ray comes to mind. Not the best, but a definite step up.
Carver is more on par with Sea Ray than Silverton. The boat you want to look at is a Carver 466 Motoryacht. However your 150K mark is coming up a little short. In that price range you would probably fit nicely into a 48 Californian, however a little older it is still a very nice boat with a great layout.
it's impossible to answer your question unless you give us more information on how you intend on using the boat. your profile shows Daytona beach as a home port, which is pretty much landlocked on the ICW. is that where you intend on using the boat or for longer trips? where? offshore? bahamas? slow or fast? how you will use the boat is really a critical piece of information. for 6 you will need 3 staterooms so you're not going to find that many boats under 50'. 3 staterooms and under $150k means you probalby will need to look into older boats, if so stick to quality builders. Older hatteras, bertrams, Vikings, Chris, Tollys, are where you shoudl start. as RER suggested go to YW and search there to see what appeals to you and narrow down your choices. with a family of 6, i'd defintely look into flybridge boats rather than expresses so that you have more space and privacy.
In my opinion you should concentrate where and how you would like to use the boat. A 2 cabin boat with a convertible settee in the salon for 2 may meet your demand; therefore you may go for smaller boats with less age and better quality.
sounds like a convertible in the 38-45 ft range should fit your needs with with 2 staterooms and ones above 42 or 43 ft having 2 heads as well, a tiara 43 convertible would be a good choice and for your budget you should be able to find one built in the late 80s to early 90s good luck with your search Greg
Thank you for taking time to answer my question. I will try to address your points. Intended Use: Coastal cruising on the east coast and for longer trips bahamas and the Caribbean. Home ports: Daytona and Jersey Shore. Slow or Fast: Prefer faster but but fuel consumption is a concern so it needs to be a good compromise there. Agree with the assessment that Flybridge boats would be a better choice for us. Please advise if there are any other questions I can answer to help us narrow this down.
Vista Yachts? I just saw an ad for a 1986 49' Vista? They have not been made since 1991 or thereabout. Anyone know anything about these boats and their quality?
I m pretty sure Vista is one of the Taiwan brand... One issue with older Taiwan boats is that it s somtimes difficult to know how good the yard was... The nr 1 concern with a 24 year old Taiwan boat will be the fuel tanks which fypically will be nearing the end of their life. Can be verY expensive.
Just abiut any boat can get to the bahamas but the caribbean is another story. Longer passage, less protection, fewer facilities so range, sea worthiness and stabs become important if speed is one of your concerns thentrawlers are out, you can always run a faster boat at slower speeds on long run to save fuel it s hard to say brand x or y is better. Keep an open mind as quality often varies from year to year. Your best bet at this point would be go browse yacht world and see what appeals to you. Your first decision is 2 or stateroom. I think that with a family of 6 a 2stateroom boat will be tight and while fine for a week end if you often spend a week or more aboard you will need more space as small as kids may be they take more room than adults especially girls! I m a little partial to hatteras when it comes to family boats, you can find 3 stateroom 53MYs in your price range. Sure you re talking 70s vintage but quality wise ll take a 30 year old hatteras over a 10 year old searay/carver/silverton.
Thank you again. It is very interesting that you point out the Hatteras 53. I really like that 70s vintage design and have been looking at those yachts for quite a while. I like the 58 yachtfish as well. It is great to hear that you would rather buy that than a 10 year old SeaRay/Carver/Silverton as that was one of my hesitations. What do you think about the Chris Crafts of that era and later. I have seen the Aluminum boats listed around that range. Any issues, concerns?
They will be late 80s early 90s boats but the 48 MY or 55 CPMY will have 3 staterooms and plenty of space for everybody with a HUGE aft deck and or cockpit.
A 58' Yachtfish would be the ideal boat for your family, but I don't think a good one will fall in your price range. Although a 53' MY will and would be an excellent choice and a 3 stateroom boat with 4-twin mattresses, and a queen master.......
50' Hatteras 1980-1983 50' Hatteras convertible. Galley-up plan has three double staterooms, (both guest staterooms have over/under berths) two heads each w/shower, washer/dryer, huge flybridge, DD8V92's w/over 1000 gal fuel. This model is in your price range and one of the best buys on the market today in my opinion.