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Just Pulled In: Coal Harbor Marina - Part II

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by OutMyWindow, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Not sure if homesick is the right emotion but it does bring back some memories! I sailed on that boat with John Mozel when he had it built ... and haven't worked with a better boat handler or navigator since. We towed oil barges up the west coast of the island and every little hole up every inlet on the inside. Those were trips I will never forget to places that are unforgettable on their own. I was on that boat with John when I got a job offer that changed the course of my nautical career. I had no idea the boat was still around and seeing it sure touched a soft spot. Sigh.
  2. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
  3. Brian

    Brian Senior Member

    Nov 14, 2005
    Halfmoon Bay, B.C. Canada
    Nice looking tug.
    Sister to the Jervis Crown.
  4. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 21 (Reuters) - Canadian police have struck a C$76 million ($61 million) deal with two units of cruise line operator Carnival Corp (CCL.N) to house security personnel during the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver.
    Carnival's Holland America and Carnival Cruise Lines units will supply a total of three ships to serve as floating hotels in Vancouver harbor during the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, according to police officials.
    Police decided to use cruise ships for temporary housing and food service because of a shortage of regular hotels during the Games, and say the docked vessels will also give them easy access to the venues needing protection.
    Planners have said up to 7,000 police officers from across Canada may be brought to Vancouver as part of C$900 million security plan that will also include military personnel and 4,000 private security guards.
    Police say the heavy level of security is needed for the international event even though the threat level is considered to be low. The budget is largely paid for by the Canadian federal government.
    The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Integrated Security Leader had initially awarded the cruise ship contract to a private U.S. firm, Cruise Connections, but that C$55 million contract fell apart and is now the subject of a lawsuit.
    Apparently the security costs have gone over the 1 billion mark and climbing.
    Should be interesting to find out how many security guards there will end up being for every paying spectator at any given venue.

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  5. Ward

    Ward Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    Vancouver BC
    I can't keep up, I thought I'd heard a couple months ago that they weren't going to use cruise ships for police security. There are certainly a lot around, I was talking to an RCMP Officer from Montreal the other day, he was part of a group that had been brought in to help.

    Apparently there is at least one Norwegian ship that's been chartered and is coming up from LA leaving late next week. We're looking into whether we can get on that.

    I don't have a picture handy, but they took out the metal garbage cans on Robson Street and replaced them with metal hoops that now hold clear plastic garbage bags. I assume that's to remove the threat of a bomb in a metal enclosure.

    I don't know if False Creek east of the Cambie bridge is off limits yet, every time I've gone by in the last couple of days I've seen at least one Police Boat.
  6. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    The photo of Cruiseships should point to the obvious.

    I wonder if putting a bomb in a paper bag would defeat the clear garbage can strategy?

    Best call Inspector Clouseau.
  7. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC
    Oh well, at least if there is an explosion, it will only be clear plastic flying everywhere......... along with the schrapnel. I know, post a guard at each container, that's the answer....24x7
  8. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA

    Al Qaeda has consistently maintained that its objective is to destroy the economy of the western non-Muslim world. Primarily the USA but that would bring down the rest. Anyway, over a billion dollars for security? Looks like they might be succeeding.
  9. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    It's good to be in the security business...
    Looks like a close call for a cruise-ship full of cops. :D

    More than 1,000 security cameras set up for Vancouver Olympic Games

    Mon Feb 1, 6:24 AM
    By The Canadian Press

    VANCOUVER, B.C. - A vast network of cameras goes on line today to provide security for the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver and Whistler.
    More than nine hundred cameras have been installed by the R.C.M.P.-led Olympic Integrated Security Unit, mostly covering Olympic venues. Another one hundred cameras run by the City of Vancouver will be watching downtown streets.
    The unprecedented deployment of electronic surveillance makes privacy watchdogs nervous and they have sought assurances from the authorities that the networks will be dismantled as soon as the Games are over.
    Chantal Bernier, Canada's assistant privacy commissioner, says they have been promised the cameras will come down after the games.
    And any recordings from the cameras can only be kept for a limited time unless they become evidence in a court case.

    The system had a real-world test last week when an intoxicated man stumbled into the security perimeter surrounding a cruise ship being used to house visiting police during the Games
  10. dennismc

    dennismc Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Vancouver BC
    We have our Yacht at the Plaza of Nations, directly across from the Olympic Village, we are considered a red zone for security, no cars parked, all visitors checked etc, to take the boat out we have an rcmp on board and same on return till exiting the secure zone, 150 yards west of us, fully accesible by foot from the main street is a hi rise develpment, this development sits in part about 50 ft from waters edge, the village is across the water, a good swimmer could do it in 10-15 mins maybe less, a midnite crossing with a diversion up the street could level the village easily, I asked the security people about that and they just sort oflooked at me and said, "I doubt that would be possible" lets hope they are right....all around our area are new fences with cameras everywhere, the wiring runs along the fence line , accessible by pedestrians with sharp wire cutters..amazing...sure glad I'm sitting in the Florida sunshine ( well, rain this am) away from that mess.
  11. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    - RCMP's Inkster
    - 3rd Cruise-ship for security personnel
    - making movies

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  12. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Paint job in the last pic?
  13. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    That's lighting for a feature movie being filmed on a yacht.

    Vancouver is known as "Hollywood North" being a major center for International film production, everything from a movie of the week to major blockbusters.

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  14. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Some different type of watercraft used for Olympic security, and what looks like some JTF2 ninja guys in the last 2 pics...

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  15. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Taking advantage of our warm weather the other day produced some commercial traffic pics...

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  16. Capt. J Mozel

    Capt. J Mozel New Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    John Mozel

    Hi Marmot, I am Debbie . I am the wife of John Mozel. He remembers those times when the boat went in and out all the small holes up every inlet. He said those times were really exciting. You will never forget those times. That was in the early 1970,s. The boat is in great shape, he still owns it and it has been redone inside. Keep in touch. Do you have a real name? He might remember you. Best regards, Debbie Mozel
  17. MaizieDerrick

    MaizieDerrick New Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    lloyd b gore

    aloha, just on a whim I thought I,d look up a tug I used to work on back in the 80,s..maybe I can fill in a few spaces in her history! I first saw her in 1987-88 ,she was anchored off honolulu airport and experiencing engine trouble.. I was in business as a marine mechanic and so ended up working on numerous problems aboard..the main problem was the main engine had two bad cylinders ..The engine at the time was a 16v detroit diesel if my memory serves me.. I got to know the crew and so heard their story.. it turns out the captain of the tug, his name I think brian had salvaged the tug off the beach somewhere in the northwest off a beach ,, apparently had been towing a barge and went ashore.. from the story told she was on her side and lots of water inside.. To get the pumps to work they had to start the gardner genset.. this entailed tying a rope around the front flywheel to a pulley amidships and 6 men running down the shaft alley pulling the rope and starting the gardner..this I know is possible as I have worked on many gardners and this particular model could be started by hand..apparently after that they were able to salvage the of the major problems she had in honolulu was the fact that she leaked like a sieve.. apparently had been in a shipyard somewhere but they were unable to stop a shaft log leak which probably plagued her into the future..therefore the pumps had to be run every day otherwise she would have the time there were two or three crew and their polynesian girlfriends and lots of the repairs came to an end there were large offers of money to me to go with them back fishing, but I had the feeling something was up and noticed ashore people watching the tug with binoculars, found out later was the FBI..well after loading up with about 40,ooodollars of diesel. off she went ..WITHOUT ME!! later found out she was tracked by sattelite to vietnam where she loaded marijuana and the they lost it till it showed up off vancouver island, and you probably know the rest...I felt bad for them in that they actually were very nice people, and I hope that even though what they did was illegal that their sentences were not too severe, especially the girls that probably had no real part in the whole affair...a beautiful tug and I,m glad to hear that she is still afloat and working... joined up to tell you alll this and hope to be able to contribute more.. Maize and I own a beautiful 1955 wood schooner that we keep in honolulu and hope soon to bring back to my home town of vancouver, mahalo derrick
  18. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Hi Debbie. Yes he will remember me, he owes me $5 I sent him for postage to mail a sea service letter to the CG for a deck license that he never sent back a few years ago! Tell him I got it anyway and have even recovered from the financial loss. :D

    What a small world this is! I am now playing with yachts in Lauderdale but will never forget the good times we had on the Cindy Mozel and tell John I have yet to meet a boathandler with the skills he showed every day in every condition the coast had to offer, inside or out. Ask if he remembers that one horrible winter night we all spent in lifejackets in the wheelhouse off the West Coast of the Island with the Rigor in tow. John really should write a book about his life on the coast.
  19. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Thank you Derrick, that did fill in some blank spots. I had heard parts of that period but not the Honolulu events. It's a good thing you stayed home. I was at a conference a few months ago and met one of my old colleagues from those days who still lives in Vancouver and he was able to fill in a few more blank spots concerning the events. Maybe it's time to start outlining that story, it's a real sea story that has all the elements to make it a great read. Did you take any pictures when you were on the boat?

    Thanks again for sharing your part of that story!
  20. MaizieDerrick

    MaizieDerrick New Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    aloha, sorry no pics,I was up to my elbows with pistons and rods..nowdays with digital cameras its so much easier!!!