Baby Roamer Well at one time she was a documented vessel, but by the time I found her she'd long been forgotten about. Someone had mounted a hard-top on her from a 32 foot Marinette. It stuck out a foot and a half on both sides, You could have landed a chopper on it! There were carpanter ants tunneling through the toe rails, and she was slowly sinking into the Catawba Island mud. But just like countless other boat junkies on this site - I fell in love with her on the spot and let her consume the next three years of my life. I breifly considered naming her "The Succubus"! But things turned the corner and the hulk started to look like something again. The great thing about these baby Roamers is that you canget them home to your backyard and work on them. Sure the wife will complain about it taking up the drive-way but the boat is always right there when you get home, staring you in the face saying "work on me" and you don't have to drive 50 miles to do it.
Amen Praise the Lord! Hope I am not arrested by the state for honoring deity. Do you think they will begin to arrest boaters for flying the Roamer pendant?
Ahh Another new Rare Roamer! Hey Lawrence, Welcome!! Thanks so much for joining our lilttle, (albeit growing) Roamer club and sharing with us your "Rare" Roamer offshore. But we are greedy here at Roamerville.... And, we need to hear more and see more. Please tell us more and all about her. The Fans are getting restless.... like what happens when the beer runs out at good party! We want more photos of her please.. if you can.. plus her History?.. before we start the withdrawl shakes. Every member's story helps teach others about the breed and models they may wish to pursue... if they can even find one that is? Yesterday a Comet, today the infamous and Rare.... Roamer Offshore!
For the editor Many people are having challenges with shrinking photos so they do not upload fail. They may not know the software or they may not know the technique at all. I tried 10 times to upload an ID photo and every time was within the tolerance of the requirements and still got rejected. Go figure? I am sure if the FORUM site noted near the top of the site or shared in a logical/conspicuous place the proceedure with/or recommending good non-confusing ease of use photo shrinking software... many people would greatly appreciate. For what the thought is worth?... but people are have this problem.
This is by far the easiest yet. Select picture, size for forums, copy and paste and yer done! ws
Just FYI, YachtForums rules require that pictures are not hotlinked from other hosting sites (such as tinypic) but instead uploaded to the site. If you've got windows, you've got MSPaint. There are also free photo editing programs aplenty, for some examples. If you're on a mac, Picasa is a Google app readily available for free download, and while elementary it is also very easy to use.
Thank you Seafarer You got all the tricks! I just think it is something the Forum should note up top.
Hey, where is Captain Laurence? We are all getting "Blue Hulls" over here waiting for more Roamer Offshore shots. Any Fans know Laurence? Is he a new Roamerfile?
The only Captain Lawrence I know... The forum does note the photo posting rules up top... just click where it says Rules.
After 25 years of sailboats, it was time to get comfortable and join the "darkside". Although not looking, I found this Roamer on Craigs List 3 1/2 years ago and was smitten by the uniqueness of it. I became the third owner and have been working on it while using it ever since. It is powered by the original Chysler 413 wedge engines feeding V-drives. The hull was painted from original white to blue Awlgrip 18 month ago. I'm in northern Alabama on the Tennessee river.
I Dig your Roamer! I was so interested in it that I dug you up on other posts. The blue looks great too. There is a certain enigmatic eccetricity about her. We like every photo you wish to provide... If you wish to put the Helm photo on this post that I saw, that would be cool. No Roamer has a helm like that one.. it's cool.
Do you know Copy Cat? The fellow with the like new 41 on the Tennessee that Payton Manning wanterd to buy? Plus the VP of Sea Ray making an offer too... Now that's a scream.
Laurence, In the future, please "Attach" images, rather than linking to them from an image hosting site. The reason for this is because hosting sites often replace the current image with something else if the user no longer maintains an account with them. In some cases, we've found yacht images replaced with porn.
Copy Cat Copy Cat is 300 miles upriver from here so we do not run into him. With the raised pilothouse, there is plenty of room for the whole crew.
Boxers are Homer's Favorite People... Boxers are cool.. Always wanted one.. (The jowl slobber is a bit much though it seems) great personalities and playful. Not as ferocious as they look. Can you upload that interior photo you have with the captain's chair? Tell us more aobut your boat if you can, like what you like about it and what you do not?
Roamer Offshore 38 What I like most: Raised pilothouse, large cockpit, low profile, closeness to the water, novel design, 2 heads. What I like least: No diesels, wiring, no stall showers (yet),