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38 Riviera Restoration

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by homer1958, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Weight Sedan vs Express

    The sedan weighs exactly 100 pound more or 16,500 dry. That's nothing, I have girl friends that vary that much in weight. I would guess you have another 350-400 pounds of flybridge. So, yes partially.

    The generator is too far back also. I would agree the factory was bit heavy in the rear. I took out the 55 gallon tank because I needed the space for the Seas Star streering system. I replaced it with an 84 gallon plastic tank and moved it forward... saved a bunch of weight.

    I have a nice picture of another Regal in the water, but it does the same thing a bit. The express does not seem to. Yes, move weight as forward as you can. I never fill the fuel tanks either, why carry all that weight unless you are trying to escape the ravages of USA and need the range.

    I figure in aobut 10 years a new age of boat people will come into vogue... Ya know, honkeys paying you to take them to Cuba for a better life.
  2. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    Well, you make a good point for sure. I think Alexseal is the answer.. it's incredibly aggessvie and eats right into the surface. So much so the first primer solution they made had to be redone. Again, check out Alexseal.. no doubt, AwlDrip has its issues as well.

    Hey Seafarer.. where are your Roamer pictures?
  3. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    I'm not advanced enough for floating metal. :eek:
  4. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Funny Seafarer...

    Why do you watch the Roamer forum then?

  5. This is the best thing since they put coke in bottles!! ws

    browse and submit as a message board size, and copy and paste the URL... BINGO!!
  6. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Photo shrinking software!.. Try this one and load..

    That's even better.. Yachtsman Bill!

    You'd think they would post this feature on top of the Forum/site. I can only imagine how many people tried to post photos that were too large, did not know how to shrink them (like myself at first) and just GAVE UP! Again, back to my point about software techies.... like they think everyone knows this stuff cold just because they do. I have discovered the issue.. it's called autism derivatives. Don't get me going... I have to hire robots.

    Watjam.. same problem.. once he sees your solution surely more photos of his Roamer will appear.
  7. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    I have overcome (technology)

    After two days and tips from Homer I have figured it out, here they are;
    JULY 4TH Weekend she's ours.

    Attached Files:

  8. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Nice Roamer Watjam!!

    She is in great shape it appears.. Any interior shots? Is she a 1969? If so, she may have been next to mine at the factory. I believe mine rolled out in June/July of 1969. Sold it to Jaffco Marine in Bufalo NY and my dad bought it in May of 1970 I believe Hulll# RPX--- 505... the 5th of 7 aluminum Rivies made that year. Original cost .. 40bills. She had 427's with 22 by 25 three bladed props.. hit 33 mph.. never 34 2.5 gear reduction. Max RPM 4000. BTW.. orginal 1.5 CC shafts stink.. soft metal and bend easily.

    What speed you getting?
  9. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Whose Roamer is Next?!

    I am sick of my pictures... can some of you other readers post some of yours here? Everyone wants to see them!.. Plus some history!!
  10. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    I appreciate and enjoy the passion Roamer owners have for their craft. The devotion to projects and the care in the result is alluring. It often heartens me, breaks my heart sometimes, and amuses at moments as well.

    My heart belongs to worm food, though.
  11. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD

    That's pretty deep stuff your're sporting there.... yeah, passionately rips through your wallet. Guess we can't convert you until of course you are challenged to a game of Roamer chicken which to date has left all challengers mere shark bait. These **** Roamers are darn near indestructibe. When I told the isurance company what it was, they knew it and insured it the next day, no fuss not muss.

    I know a guy, (name to go un-mentioned) who smacked his 37 aluminum Roamer head-on going about 25mph at night into a 15 foot high BA BA Booey and only dented the thing. He kept b_tching about the scratch... floating tank. I saw it, it was a bit more than a scratch, but no bid deal.. we felt bad for the BA BA Bouey.
  12. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    Hull No. RDP---508R She was origionally purchased by Sam Shepherd's brother here in Cleveland (yes, THAT Sam Shepherd) I am the third owner and she has been in this area since 69. Have yet to reach 4,000 rpm's- wires, plugs and coil are on the to do list this spring. Origional interior is
    in good condition but dated. My wife wants Homer's fwd stateroom. The
    layout of the v-bunks is awkward. The rest of the cabin is nice and workable.
    I agree with Homer about the showers in the 69's being cumbersome and built to rot. If we do some re-work it will include new shower. My plate is full for
    this year though, new aft deck, intake strainers, toilet & holding tank, new canvas, pedestal seats and possibly hydraulic steering-but that might have to wait till next year.

    Attached Files:

  13. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Sam Shepard - F.Lee Bailey

    After more than six years of appeals, Corrigan(Sam's atty) died on July 30, 1961. Months later, F. Lee Bailey took over as Sheppard's chief counsel.

    You have got to be joking! F.Lee Bailey took over the Shepard case, He also started Palm Beach Roamer years ago to restore Roamers. I graduated from the same bording school F.Lee did in New Hampshire. F. Lee had a Roamer in Fla nmaed Spellbound. I forget the details, but it has some funky story behind it too. F.Lee loved Roamers... bigtime. Evil Kinevil had one also an so did actor Bill Bixby.

    F.Lee is a brilliant guy, like some crazy high IQ and was a Marine helecopter pilot if I recall as well.

    Your Roamer is in great original shape! What a history.. I like to hear other people's Romaer stories and pictures.
  14. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    Wow much easier to shrink those pics.....Good call Mr. Bill
  15. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    I know its early, but maybe the Roamer Club can put together its own calander for 2010.
  16. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    I mean 2011
  17. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Good Idea Gerconst...

    I am convicned more people would load photos if the shrinking Kilobyte process was made clear in approprite spot. I still can't figure out how to load my personal id photo despite the photo being under the maximum size allotment? It fails each tiime no matter what.. sure it happens to many others as well. Heck, all they have to do in the instructions is show and example of a piece of software and how to redue photo size. BUT, NO..... Don't expect a techie to be in the communicatons arena... again, don't get me going on Dr. Spocks.
  18. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    New Roamer Club members and Photos!?

    Come on now.. if you are one of the Roamer Shwawbys who read this post all the time and have a Roamer, please post some photos here. We need your help to show more Roamers.. evein if it is rough. They all were rough at some point. We have 6500 visits in only 8 weeks, so we know you are reading and not posting and joining. How about one new member today and one new photo today?!

    Homer Roamer
  19. Jim Reed

    Jim Reed Member

    Sep 25, 2006
    Knoxville, Tennessee
    As requested by Roamer Homer, I have attached a picture of my 41 on the Tennessee River. It really doesn't get cold enough to pull our boats out of the water for the winter but it does get cold enough to not take them out. Looking at the attached just makes me want warm weather to come even more.

    Attached Files:

  20. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    41 and Gorgeous!!

    Jim your ROAMER is absolutely beautiful! I love the 41 and yours looks like it is new here.. original colors and everything!! Keep posting when you can and others too.. always great to see some new shots!
    Is she a 1969 or 1968?

    The 1970 model had a maroon stripe.

    Hope each day someone new posts a photo or two of their Roamer so we can one day make a Roamer Calender.

    Who will post the next photo? Everyone must be sick of Homer's Roamer:cool:

    Let's have some good ole competition!
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010