At least it seems as the photographer landed safely... In the eighties a relative of mine was flying to Hong Kong with a 747 when they lost a complete engine! A few days later they made the same trip and discovered that this 747 hade three engines on one side and two on the other? It was the replacement engine for the other plane they were transporting by just attaching it to a bracket in the wing!
More airborn shenanigans! Since there seems to also be a general interest in avaition stuff around here as well, I though you all might get a snicker or three out of this: Clicky!
Yeah, s--t happens and going at that speed at night it must have happened more than once... I´ve only snapped a couple of tele-wires with my Cessna-tail in full daylight..
The picture is real. If memory sreves right, it was an AirTran B-737 or A-320 that lost the cowling a few months ago. The story and pics was all over this forum: It was really a non-event, the engine ran fine and the pilots probably did not notice untill the stew called up and said: "We are all going to die"... As for 5 engines on the 747: Yup, they did that for a while, but with quite some performance penalties. Nowdays most major airports with 747 operations have "pool" engines that one airline will lend to another. If not, they just do a 3 engine "ferry" flight to the nearest maintenance base. And get the fix or engine changed done there in a few hours.
Aviation mishaps continued... Came across this pic while doing some research on the viability of ultralight deployment and retrieval for yachts. More on that story later, but for now... I HAD to share this picture with the group... I'm sure an F-16 is the ultimate hotseat, but this gives new meaning...