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38 Riviera Restoration

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by homer1958, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    I refuse to believe this!

    It's not too late to save greatness born from the 1700's or the 1960's... it's not.

    I remember "Captain Jack" repsonding to Homer when whe was griping about something.. he said "Well, if you want to make the world a better place, start with yourself."

    .... So that's the least we can do. So, save the Nation, save a Roamer. Chris Craft was our nation's boat, Ford was our nation's car.. Ford made the Lincoln, and Chris Craft made the Roamer.

    Stephen Julius Bought the rights to the Chris Craft name from Rupurt Murdoch/News Corp. He hired the designers from Italy's Riva, brought back Chris Craft, brought back the Roamer name. He is making hundreds of new absolutley stunning Chris Crafts... can you find just one forefather to bring back?

    November 2010 is going to be the most important election in our nation's history. If you are upset... vote with those who know and respect the ingredients of our foundations, our common Laws and bonds. When you tasted the new Coke, you realized how good the classic tasted... you demanded it back and you got it back.

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  2. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    She's sitting in Rochester NY... terminally dehydrated

    Someone spotted spotted her.... a 1966 steely and contacted Homer. "Hope Spring's Eternal".... some ambitious Saint pulled out his paint brush in all due reverence hoping it was not too late?

    He flew out immediately from Dulles International. Upon inspection, contacted the family and suggested pulling the plug. Hard news to break; they did not take it well. Homer replied: "well, sometimes when your dog passes, it's best to get a new one. There are a few other Roamer's in the USA that need a caring home. An if you''re real lucky will find one beautifully restored or well maintained.

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    Last edited: Jan 9, 2010
  3. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    One Tradition, One Company, One nation at a Time

    One tradition, one company, one nation at a time. And if kids want to pray in school, let them pray... somebody better start.. If they want to peldge the flag, let them pledge. I want my country back.. don't you?

    Enjoy this new Chris Craft coming out from the factory on its way to its new home... they're not messsing around! Has anyone looked at the new Chris Craft? I mean stellar!.. Nothing comes close.. check them out!

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  4. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Watjam asks, Watjam gets...

    It's expensive as Hades is Hot and killing me, but the guy is no hack... most of them are hacks total wood butching hacks!

    America better start training some desperately need craftsman. These kids think sitting in front of a computer all day is the way.. Well BS. Computers s_ck, pay worse, wreck your eyes and make you a porkster.

    The Cockpit crawls forward... when's the last time you saw a boat with a rearview mirror?

    The wood is highly recommended. It is Shellman Sappelle 3/4" It is made in Greece, real high qualtiy and not over-priced. It is avaliable at Harbor Supply in Maryland one of the few places that carries it.

    The portlight was imported from India (Uhhhg that place) the lockset is Italian (Yale.) Sorry I don't do Perko. The door slides on a track made in Germany and disappears into the bulkhead. If you look closely, will not that the helm box has been pulled forward two inches with an access panel. The trim is professsional grade joinery. The portlgiht will be a one two way mirror.. see out but not in. The dashboard is Yanmar VDO... the rest is origianl and rechromed. The steering Sea Star hydrallic so no steering bar gagetry.

    There is two inches of sound deadening marine grade foam behind all wood plus a coast guard approved sound deading spray. The wood behind all sealed to avoid moisture absorbtion. The door is 1.5 inces solid mahogony... shuts like a vault. This design offers much more space than a swing door allowing for a future L shaped sectional in the navigation area.. that is not going to hapen any time soon.

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  5. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Starboard side

    Note the curved woodword and Pommel Sappelle wood covering the 3 inch pipe that is welded into the hull stingers. There is racking in the sedan top.

    Note helm access panel.

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  6. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    What's in the basement Igor....

    Wish to play chicken Sea Ray... let's not we would not want to scratch the Roamer's paint and we have no divers on board to perform plastic salvage.

    Prior to being completed...

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  7. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    That engine room bring tears to my eyes-Beautiful!
  8. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Thank you WatJam

    The whole job brings tears to mine.... it's not easy in any regard, but it is a boat I belive in and will last forever if taken care of. I have to work like a mutdog too to pay for it. I am getting closer though.
  9. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    So, what's your carpenter's hourly rate?
  10. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    are you going to install teak or mahogony on the cockpit floor or stay with the vinyl?
  11. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    This is the same idea behind my restoring my grandfather's Lincoln. Just got word this morning, I need to drop off the last of the engine parts to get prepared for painting.
  12. Corsair23

    Corsair23 New Member

    Sep 13, 2009
    SW Ontario
    Homer, I think the original owner has been visiting that Boat of yours. Did you notice all the " Orbs " in your photos? Orbs are those funny water-spot things in the pictures. It's been suggested that they show the presence of " Spiritual Movement". The original owner must think proudly of what you've done with that boat. Awesome!!!!!

  13. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Original owner?

    Homer is the son of the original owner.. it its all in the story. Thanks for the compliment Scott.. it's been a long haul.

    You can see my dad in the photos. He passed last year a few months after that photo. He is buried at Arlington National with the soldiers from Iraq. (Section 60) It's very sad, the fellow next to him was only 18 or 19. My dad got to share his stroy, those other fellows did not.

    He loved his Roamer more than anything and I was trying to fly him in for a last ride but it was too late. It reminded him of his B-24 Bomber on some dangerous mission over Germany. He liked to wait until it was real bad it seemed on lake Ontario and then would take her out like it was fun or something and cross the Lake.... meanwhile we all barfed. One time I remember 12 foot seas.. the 427's 12 MPH up the wave, 25 MPH down! That's a fact.. I remember it all too well. Roamers can take it.... trust me and they don't roll like a fat pig either... very stable platform and good bow flair.
  14. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    Wow! that is good stuff. I would've like to have had a scotch or three with
    that man.
    My dad had to sell our 59 28' Connie after my mom died cause the bills were
    more than he could take. I was 16 years old. I have a picture taken of me
    when I was four weeks old, sleeping in a gear/cargo net hanging up in the Vee-bunks. My dad always had a boat - and it was always a Chris of some kind.
    I spent three years looking for that boat in the yards along the South shore of Lake Erie, and when I did find her in the middle of March standing in a foot of snow.....I wept like a baby. The canvas had been ripped off many months before - the wind had gotten under the hard top and deposited it up-side down on the cabin-top. All that mahogany and bright white Interlux that my dad and I busted arse on was peeling and weathered.
    Somehow, after a year of (everybody on this thread knows "of what").
    We got her ready to be seen in public again. Homer-I feel ya, cause my dad didn't make it either. He died of emphasema before I could plop his fanny on a deck chair. Didn't mean to Hi-jack the thread, but your story brought back memories for me. Yeah we bring these old broads back to life-and deserve every bit of praise and compliment we get, But really, wer'e not doing this for ourselves - we do it so we can get the one's we love, admire and respect
    back out there, enjoying life, livin' large!
    Hav'nt looked too closely but I hope to see a few of those "orbs" that Corsair
    was talking about - would'nt mind having a beer with the ol' man.
  15. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Flash Back For Seafarer...

    Well, funny you should mention your granddad's Lincoln. Speaking of Fords and Lincolns...

    The year was 1966. The car was a 1966 suicide Lincoln Continental convertible. What a beauriful car it was. Here is the original Captain Roamer at 42 years old taking delivery of his new car. He drove that car into the late 1980's, (Budget model, no 8 track) restored it once and then it had to be put to rest. Yes, he drove his 66 suicide Lincoln to his 69 Roamer.

    I remeber one time he bought fat little Homer an ice cream cone (Homer was 8) it was hot out and this one did not have AC. The cone started to drip on his seats. I thought he was going to save his seats and drop me off on the highway:eek:

    America has a new Hero... Alan Mulally. The new CEO of Ford. He took Ford from near bankruptcy last year to one of the big star performers! Ford did not take Tarp money, they did not screw the American taxpayer like the the other sleeze buckets. Have you driven a Ford lately? Ford is back!! Chris Craft Roamer is back!!

    Careful, there was only one engine that out-torqued the Roamer 427 with its 430 lbs of torque at 300 HP... Its under the hood of this Lincoln.... The Lincoln 462! It was a 7.6 litre - 340 horse - 485 foot pounds of torque monster. Commander Cody's Hot Rod Lincoln!

    The Marine 427 FE block was cast using a thinwall casting technique. Instead of relying on large quantities of metal being poured into molds in unnecessary thicknesses, Ford engineers determined the proper amount of metal actually needed and reengineered the casting process to allow for consistent dimensional results pour after pour. This resulted in less metal being used, lower cost of materials for Ford and lighter engines. A Ford FE from the factory weighed 650 lb (295 kg) with all iron components. With an aluminum intake and aluminum water pump this weight could be reduced to under 600 lb (272 kg). At the time, engines of similar displacements[which?] weighed over 700 lb (318 kg). This weight savings was significant to boaters and to racers. For marine applications the FE was available in Chris Craft boats as a factory option.

    Gentlemen, start your engines!

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  16. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    That's a great story, and a great picture to go with it! I rode my GM shares to the bottom and bought a bunch of Ford under $2. My faith is restored in the company, which we had once been dealers for (Ford Heavy Truck).

    I got the call today, the engine is ready at the machine shop. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday (yesterday) all in one!

    What color is that '66?
  17. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Full Military Honors For Captain Roamer

    The United States Air Force honors Captain Roamer just a few months ago at Arlington National, his final anchorage. Reagan National shuts down for 25 minutues while Full Military Honors are given to the Colonel. Airforce planes Fly-Over in the "Missing Man Formation." He rests in what has now beome known as "America's Saddest acre," Arlington's section 60, with our fallen soldiers from Iraq.

    Captain Roamer of the Mightly Eighth Air Force was shot down on his 24th mission by Messerschmitt 262's jets over Madgeburg Germany in 1944 MIA, presumed dead. Six months later leafing through Life Magazine's April 16, 1945 issue, Captain Roamer was seen in a liberation photograph in Frankfurt with a shattered ankle on crutches. This was the moment the family learned he was indeed alive, just one week after the Russians liberated Berlin.

    Yes, at only 20 years old, Captain Roamer gave the order to bail-out of the 10 man B-24 Bomber (manufactured by the Ford Motor Company) at 10,000 feet as his left wing was shot off. His 443rd Bomb Squadron commander was actor Jimmy Stewart. Years later, Captain Roamer met Jimmy again at the George Eastman House museum of photography at a Hollywood sponsered Gala.

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    Last edited: Jan 14, 2010
  18. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    Really an outstanding job you are doing on her, Homer. I love following these step by step photos of the progress and meticulous work that you're putting into her. She really shines, and looks great.

    I'm sure that first cocktail at sunset on her maiden voyage will sure be sweet and well worth the time, expense, and headache.
  19. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Green, The Color was Green

    Lincoln Forest Green was similar, yet darker than the Roamer's traditional Green which was used up to 1969. The last year of the 38 Roamer was 1970, the stripes for 1970 were maroon. Captain Roamer loved green.
  20. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Joinery Rate - Teak or Vinyl?

    In answer to your questions:

    In a way, you can't really judge per se on rate. In the end I shall share, but not now. Suffice it to say, thus far workmanship is of high quality and from my view, so is cost. It is best to go by fixed job however so things are clear in advance. I do not prefer hourly rate when not present. It is hard to find good joiners where we are near Annapolis. Most of them are located in Maine, North Carolina and Washington state. Maryland is tough because the state is in everyone's pockets real bad. It is not a Republican state and is therefore tough on businesses and people. Maryland is not a business friendly state. It's no Delaware... shall we leave it at that.

    As far as teak, well, that is not going to happen now, perhaps eventually one day. Proper quarter sawn vertical grain Burmese Teak from trees 60 year or more is at least $3,500. You are not going to get the job done well for less than $7,000. The cockpit so far is over budget shall we say.

    I do have a roll of new Gen Corp white decking if anyone is interested. I will not use it.