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Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer: Buy/Sell/Trade' started by yachtsmanbill, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. Things being as they are, I encountered two old STEEL Roamers that had belonged to friends now passed. The 37 steel boat is reall RUFF with the bottom in the dirt, and would be pretty good for parts. I believe it has the 427 Fords in it.
    The 31 Steel Riviera is complete but has some serious bottom issues as well. Its got 210-327s. Both have generators.
    I need some parts myself, and the marina is interested in LIQUIDATING both next spring. I really dont want to take on the responsibility myself of scrapping two steel boats, since I already have a 36' al Roamer and a 65' Hatteras.
    HOWEVER, if anyone here wants a share of the BOOTY, please let me know ASAP OK?? I am also looking for an ALL ALUMINUM windshield for my 1963 like from a Commander etc... The original wood frame has been replaced twice and this will be the last time... I SWEAR!!! yachtsmanbill

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  2. Payin' attention yet??

    So we went over and looked further into both of these babies... The 31 had water above the cabin sole and the 37 is reely ruff. If anyone cares, I grabbed the ID tag and I'll let some bayliner guy (haha) put it in the list of "un" known survivors. Its RXA 37 3035R Howz about them apples???

    AND NOW, just to see if yer really payin' attention, I just happened to have a reed-prince in my back pocket, and, VOILA!!! This is really nice, ONE PIECE, and open to SERIOUS OFFERS before it hits the 'Bay... ws

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  3. some more...

    So, are these side oilers? FORD EXPERTS?? ws

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  4. Uh Oh!!

    Tis a shame aint it??? ws

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  5. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Hey Bill, They look like "Ran out of oil'erz". But who knowz? Someone here probably duz.

  6. Thanks Eric... LOL ws
  7. Stinkin' badges...

    And now to rub salt in the wounds... lookie here! I really love it when guys cry about these... This pair needs resto cause the chrome is gawn with SLIGHT pitting. NOT BROKEN...
    Plus the little peewee guy thats actually pretty nice... ws

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  8. Todays BIG find

    Well maybe a little find... this was owned by Bob Miller...
    they called it "Baby Miller" in Chicago... Remember those 5 oz Miller bottles??? ws

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  9. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    Tough to tell from that picture. Sure doesn't look like it.

    What year is the boat?

    Look on the left side of the block for the oil gallery, and gallery plugs directly above the main cap cross bolts, and one deeper down in the rear.
  10. homer1958

    homer1958 Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Annapolis MD
    Baby Roamer

    Are you goig to grab that baby Roamer. If it isresprable, it is tres cool. The big one may be too tough?
  11. raemore

    raemore Member

    Sep 17, 2005
    roamer 64
    yachtsman bill email me about roamer parts

    Hi Bill
    can you email me
    mabey we can do somthing
  12. jflongwell

    jflongwell Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Watkins Glen on Seneca Lake
    Roamer handrail fittings

    Iam looking for the fittings for the wooden hand rail lift gate (latch and hinge). I want to put another opening in the aft rail to allow us to get to the swim platform easier.
    Any possibility of buying them?
  13. rail hinges

    Ya know, out of all the good bronze stuff they put on these boats, the hinge stuff and name plates were die cast zinc. What a shame. Your best bet is to, gulp, order new bronze stuff from Perko. Around $250 per hinge! Sorry... ws
  14. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    Try LPX in Florida. They have alot of old Chris Craft parts.
  15. Laurence

    Laurence Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    Chattanooga TN
    Hinge parts

    They pop up on eBay every once in awhile.
  16. hand rail stuff

    After digging through the stuff Ive amassed over the years, I came across two decent rail latches. The are chrome plated bronze from Perko... not the zinc junk found from the factory! On a scale of 1-10 these are about an 8 and need re-chroming. Message me if interested! Offers encouraged and trades considered... I need a bunch of LONG ONE INCH stainless tubing for a handrail job... Bill



    And this was listed this evening as well!
  17. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    If the nameplates don't sell on the bay I may be interested.

  18. Are you in Elk Rapids on Grand Traverse Bay?? ws
  19. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    That is where I keep the Roamer and the Commander. I live in a suburb south of Detroit.
  20. parts

    The badges probably wont sell on ebay so they will be available to some one here. The set will either be 2 or 3 and I have a cabin sized badge as well. Just pulled this out today. ANYBODY DROP ONE LATELY?? ws

    Pretty good shape, should polish clean.