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Gulf Craft, Majesty - what your opinion?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Anri, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Anri

    Anri Guest

    What do you know about Gulf Craft yachts?
    We have about 800 000 USD We examine the variant of purchase of Majesty 56

    What do you know about quality of these yachts? Is't better then Azimut ?
  2. Dhowdodger

    Dhowdodger New Member

    May 27, 2006
    Arabian Gulf
    The 56 is the best and most popular of the Gulfcrafts around. Their quality has improved dramatically over the years and is now about equal to an Azimut. I have been on a few of the 56's and have been very impressed with the overall finish.
  3. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    LMAO, is that meant to be a recommendation?
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Let´s hear from you then, how is it compared to an Azimut?
  5. Dhowdodger

    Dhowdodger New Member

    May 27, 2006
    Arabian Gulf
    Question was how does it rate to an Azimut, my answer was- about the same, if you want higher spec motor boat dont look at either and spend more.
    As for a recommendation- get a sailing boat.
  6. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    Haven't dealt with them, but at least they don't have picture windows at the water line. I just find usining Azimut as a bench mark a bit absurd.
  7. Anri

    Anri Guest

    My client said that did't want Azimuth due to bad quality. But then he decided to buy new Majesty56.
    How do you can it to comment?
  8. Hiper

    Hiper New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Middle East
    I've owned a Gulf Craft 53, upgraded to a 66 Majesty, and am now 3 years into ownership of an Azimut 68.

    Whether or not Azimut should/can be used as a benchmark for build quality of overall flybridge yachts is irrelevant. We're comparing the Azimut solely against the Majesty here.

    The 53 I owned, back in 1998 before Gulf Craft created the Majesty line, was terrible in terms of quality. Simple things, like doors and drawers not closing properly, carpets not fitted to cabin floor, wood shavings all over the place, poor workmanship on the cockpit teak flooring, etc... However, mechanically, it was not bad. We had MTUs on it which performed well. We did have some issues with the generator and AC machine, particularly due to poor noise insulation and heavier loads than capacity.

    4 years later we upgraded to the hull no.1 of the Majesty 66. Big mistake. The boat was huge in volume! 4 staterooms, 5 heads including a day head, and a crew cabin connecting to a mess with top loading freezer (for fishing purposes). We took delivery of the boat with twin 1060 MTUs. From day 1, we had un-even readings on the RPMs, higher temps on one engine than the other, frequent water leakages from the intakes, and the list goes on. The local MTU dealer even brought in technicians from the MTU factory, who ended up giving us a report blaming heavier loads than engine capacity and un-even balancing of loads across the hull. Boat was sent back to the factory, and the factory actually replaced the engines for free, this time installing 1150 Caterpillars. Boat comes back, seems fine for the first couple of months, then starts falling apart again. Keep in mind that the build quality in terms of interior finishing was comparable to the 53. Still not the best. We eventually sold the boat back to the factory and upgraded to a brand new Azimut 68.

    Size wise, the Azimut 68's interior felt much smaller. No day head, much smaller saloon, but the cabins were comparable to the Majesty 66. The crew cabin was larger but the Azimut lacked the crew mess area. Now coming to quality, the Azimut is 100x better. Finishing on the Azimut is great in my opinion. The interior is impeccable, with great attention to detail and zero problems even after 3 years of ownership. The 68 comes with 1150 MANs, and they perform exceptionally well. Generator noise is non-existent, while AC machines are easily 50-60% lower than the Majesty.

    I know that there's plenty of Azimut haters on this forum, but I honestly am pleased with their build quality. That being said, I've been on Ferrettis and Princess(s) yachts before, and know of their exceptional build quality as well. If I was in the market for a new yacht today, I probably wouldnt buy another Azimut just because of their styling and interior volumes, which compared to Ferretti's, are smaller. Plus, Azimut's new prices on the 70 and 82 are ridiculous. But that's another story.

    I hope this helps :)
  9. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Well written by an experienced Owner with no fluff padding it out.
  10. Anri

    Anri Guest

    Hiper, thank you for a complete answer with concrete examples!
  11. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    I have handled a few Azimut in my past and I find them at the top tier of there style or cruiser or yachts, lets call them Med style boats
    I think Gulf Craft altough it is improving is models, is till far away to the quality of an Azimut which from EU ones is among the best
    I also don't concur with Hiper, I think the bigger Azimuts now 78 upwards those build in Viareggio are also superior and better build to a Ferretti and Princess
    I know a few people who owned Princess who where pretty dissappointed with the quality of there boats
    as for the big windows in owners cabin considering the boats they built they have pretty much zero failure to them, Ferretti had some problems with the 731 someone told me altough I never expericend it first hand
    but I think it is true as since then they reduced the size of the window and made it smaller

    I think the problem in this forum with Azimut is that EU standards are different to the US ones. Hell we find the US boats altough not top tier ones but production builders are quite a pain to work on too
  12. Hiper

    Hiper New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Middle East
    Thanks for the kind comments K1W1 and Anri :)

    Liam, I honestly haven't experienced Princess yachts for long durations. It was mostly short day trips in calm seas. However, what I saw was quite impressive. As for Ferrettis, I've experienced them first hand for longer durations than the Princess and also know of a few recurring owners who love the quality and finishing. As for the larger Azimuts, I again have no problem with quality and finishing of Azimuts, but actually have a problem with the styling and volume. Case in point, Ferretti's 830 vs. Azimut's 82 + 85. Also, Ferretti's new 80, which is based on the Altura, is incredible!!!
  13. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Hello Hiper
    yes the Ferretti 840 Altura is a different and sot of innovative concept. Surely the difference with these boats will usually be a thin line. I like the more deep bulwurks of the Azimuts versus the Ferretti and also the interior furnushings are more to my taste. In a sea I think Ferretti could end up being a bit better. But then fittings in the bigger Azimuts end up to the better too.
    But then for a boat of this size and style all are not my preferred and I would look for a San Lorenzo, Maiora, Falcon and Possillipo
  14. Hiper

    Hiper New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Middle East
    There's actually a new 80 that is NOT an Altura but shares a lot of its features. I can send you more information on it if you're interested.

    As for Maioras and Falcons, i seriously do not think they're as good a build quality as the san lorenzos! Especially the Falcons!
  15. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  16. Hiper

    Hiper New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Middle East
  17. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Hello Hiper,
    I saw the renderings of the new Ferretti 800 on the Fer official site. Looks good and larger to other boats of similar size. The 830 gives also the same feeling. Have been berthed next to 830s a few times and they really feel bigger to their actual size.
    I wonder if that black grp (painted) area on the raised pilot house is just visual or if its made of carbon.
    Hope we did not go too much OT in this thread....
  18. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  19. capitano_65

    capitano_65 Member

    Dec 15, 2009
    Greatly stated sort of opinion I joined this forum for.
  20. lwrandall

    lwrandall senior member

    Mar 31, 2004
    OK... My question is this. Their seems to be love/hate feelings or experiences with Azimut's and Ferretti's on the forum for quite some time. What boat builders in the 50' to 70' range would be the "quality" boats?