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WTB: 38' Aluminum Roamer

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer: Buy/Sell/Trade' started by crewzin, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. crewzin

    crewzin New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    I am looking for 38' CC Roamer Regal with flybridge and aluminum hull in descent condition. I thought I had one, but the owner is unrealistic in his price for the boat condition.:mad: Let me know if you know someone who has one or knows who might want to sell one.

    PS: No steel please...
  2. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Rare Breed

    Great choice - but hard to find (29 in aluminum made:
    Hence the owners reluctance.: mad:
    Still,time has a special way of cutting through mountain ranges.:rolleyes:
    Which ones have you identified?:cool:
    Might be able to supplement your list.:)

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  3. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Figure the odds,...

    ..., only seventeen 38-foot, aluminum-hulled Regals were made (12 in 1969; 5 in 1970): five of which are known to have survived (probably many more).:cool:
    Here's the latest "known survivor" (email me for the excel spreadsheet) - and (drum roll please) - she's for sale for a very (very) reasonable price! :D
    Long odds indeed!
    1969 Chris Craft Roamer Regal 38'
    Aluminum hull.
    Twin 427s (engines just majored; transmissions rebuilt).
    Factory sedan.
    Equipment: Air Conditioning, Generator, Spot Light, 4 Batteries, Battery Charger, Windshield Wipers, Hour Meters, Stereo W/Speakers; Trim Tabs, Anchor W/Line, Docking Lines, Hard Top W/Camper Back.
    Same Family Owned 23 Years!
    Current Price: US$ 22,500

    Lot's more to tell about "Longenia" - just send me an email ( or call Eric: 703-981-1407
    More technical information here:

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  4. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    I have one of those! Hull # RDP 380508R Just bought her last summer and am currently replacing the rotted aft deck with new marine ply and Nu-Teak along with other updates to bring her into the 21st century.
  5. survivors

    How many '69 or '70 ALUMINUM 38 foot convertibles were produced? I know of one thats been sitting open in the weather for 20 years. The back deck is gawn and is home to several stray cats.
    Its powered by small block chevies and has a 6.5 onan generator. The yard owner told me that the owner may be accepting offers. PM me if anyone is interested! ws

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  6. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Rare Bird

    True (factory built) 37 foot Riviera Convertibles are the rarest of the rare.
    Have personally documented only one ("Sam's Song" - although have seen another, somebody "made" one; and think Howard's Classics may have worked on one)
    So thatz maybe 2 or three.
    WOuld really (really) appreciate your finding out a bit more about this one "Ivy ****" - she's definitely a classic find for anybody with a bit of Chris Craft in their blood.:cool:
    IN any case, thanx so much for bringing her to our attention.
    Perhaps the boat yard would like to list her on our "For Sale" section.
    Pls let them know.
  7. Rag Top Roamer

    This is the best I can find out for right now. Will be in touch with yard owner in the near future.

    WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS WORTH? BTW, another member here bought a 27 ft Comet on my referal. Haven't heard from him here yet, so I dont want to pop his cork! ws

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  8. Rag Top Roamer

    The link wouldnt open so I copy and pasted the information as found here ws

    You asked for a vessel with a name like "IVY KRYSTAL". That selection resulted in 1 matches.

    (1 of 1) Vessel Name: IVY KRYSTAL USCG Doc. No.: 501555
    Vessel Service: RECREATIONAL IMO Number: *
    Trade Indicator: Recreational Call Sign: WV3005
    Hull Material: ALUMINUM Hull Number: RXP-37-1502R
    Ship Builder: CHRIST CRAFT Year Built: 1965

    Length (ft.): 36.4
    Hailing Port: CHICAGO IL Hull Depth (ft.): 5.5
    Owner: Hull Breadth (ft.): 12.6
    Gross Tonnage: 17
    Net Tonnage: 12
    Documentation Issuance Date: July 09, 1998 Documentation Expiration Date: August 31, 2002

    Previous Vessel Names: No Vessel Name Changes Previous Vessel Owners: PAUL E JONES
  9. crewzin

    crewzin New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    She is very interesting that's for sure! But judging from the photos you posted, a TON of work and expense to bring her back to life - engines, wood, interior, and the list goes on... It is a shame to see a boat like this get left to the elements.
  10. Rag Top Riviera

    I am half tempted to pick it up to turn it around. I really dont need another boat! Two biggens are enough! Even just to park a dumpster next to it should net a little profit! ws
  11. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    Worth? Nothing, less than nothing. There's more labor cost to just get her ready for the scrapper than her scrap value. It will cost more to get her into salable condition than she will ever sell for. The current owner is aware of both these facts which is why the vessel is where and how it is. The best thing that can happen is that someone with more money and time than sense comes along and wants to rebuild it because he's in love with it. If that person appears, he should be given it free and clear.
  12. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL

    If I had a yard, I'd bury it out back and make a guest apartment with a Jacuzzi out of it.

  13. I appreciate your candor! In the states, there is somewhat of a market for project boats. God knows, Ive been through about 6 big Roamers and still have mine from 1973. (63 36' Riviera). If it could be had for gratis, a mild clean up would garner a grand or so as a rare project... stay tuned! ws
  14. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL

    Yep, over the years I've taken on several project boats, all given to me to "get it out of here". When completed, I generally made about $1.25 an hour for my labor, but they were old classics worthy of saving.
  15. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Save the Roamer

    That must be it.
    Actually think I have (had) a photo of this Riviera parked next to another hardtop 37 along a river somewhere.
    Here's the photos of the custom built soft top and "Sam's Song".
    Good examples of the desirability and beauty of such craft preserved correctly.
    Thanx for the documentation (added her to List of Known Survivors/on life support).

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  16. Judging from the side windows,the top pic looks like it just had the hardtop removed. The bottom one OTOH has the semi curved windows that are un-mistakable... ws

    Happy New Year!!