Over Zealous? The Harbor Master in Sag Harbor is requiring all foreign yachts to supply him with: -Vessel and Owner Particulars -An Approved Safety Plan -Names and Particulars of Each Person Aboard -Cruising Permit -Notice Of Arrival Information This is the very first port that has ever asked me for this on the municipal level. My concern is that over-regulation and extraneous paperwork will scare foreign yachts (even those owned by Americans) away from cruising in the US.
I have much greater concern about how this local yokel figures he has the right to demand this stuff of a particular group of yachts. If he wants safety information, why only from foreign flag vessels? Same for crew and pax. I would contact the USCG COTP who has authority for that area and ask some very pointed questions. (edit @ 1035) I just spoke to the COTP zone office which has authority over arrivals and such. They have also never heard of such a thing and are investigating the limits of the harbor master's authority. The USCG office which receives arrival information passes on that information to the relevant offices (CBP and others) based on the ANOA and cruising permit. The officer with whom I spoke will get back to me with the official status of this issue. As soon as I get the call I will post the information here along with names and contact phone numbers.
That's a small town with a big ego and a power sharing problem. I suspect his reasoning is that you have no choice but to comply. Any gripes you might raise won't be addressed until next year or the year after that.
He may have a big ego but our foreign flag yachts are owned by people with bigger egos and the bank balance to support them. They also have people with a vested interest in making sure local yokels don't take on powers that are reserved for the Department of State and the Motherland Sekurity volk. Those same people don't like the idea of sharing power with dockboys and clerks no matter how high their noses are pointing.
One of those egos belongs to the owner of Intuition II (59m) who owned or may still own most of that waterfront.
Thanks Marmot! I've been considering my response and was planning to call the COTP (Long Island Sound). Since you've already called, I will wait to hear what you learn. They said they are collecting the information in the name of "Homeland Security". Why can't I just have a normal visit to Sag Harbor? Every time I go there something bizarre pops up!
Not much to get your self into a lather about last time I saw the old girl. She is a converted Dutch Pilot Tender. Here is a bit on her: ( I have deliberately removed the Owners name) xyx xyzz, the New Yorker who owns the Sag Harbor Yacht Club on Long Island, has owned Intuition II for the past five years. He’s entertained family and friends aboard, including the infamous former chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Grasso. Built: Amels, Holland. Rebuilt:Vosper Thornycroft (UK), England; N: Builder; H: Steel; E: 1/1,330-hp Smit Slikkerveer electric motor and 3/650-hp Deutz-MWMs *Within her first year after being converted into a private cruiser, Intuition II voyaged across the Atlantic Ocean (on her own bottom, of course) and, on this side of the pond, cruised as far north as Newfoundland and as far south as Mexico.
Re: Homeland Security For the first time ever, Passports are needed to cross the Can/Us Border. Not a big deal, unless of course you forgot to get one while at customs.
Sag Harbor Photos Some pictures from the past couple of days in Sag Harbor...hope you enjoy http://www.flickr.com/photos/21882203@N03/sets/72157622133942381/
Good shots hbyachtboy. I came through there this afternoon and it is a madhouse. Probably a dozen or so large yachts anchored out in the bay unable to get dockage along with many smaller ones. Continental Drifter came in behind us (I was coming back from Block). Love the color of that boat. Every fool and his brother is running through the slot by south ferry and even more on the north side of Shelter. Be careful if you're cruising in those areas.
Sag Harbor Photos Continental Drifter was right behind us coming in yesterday too. It was pretty busy and I know that it is very difficult to get a slip in town.
Nice photos! I used to spend a lot of time aboard a 53 Hatteras in Sag Harbor. Back then, there were only a couple of large yachts at Waterfront Marine. It has sure changed in the last 20 years.
The renovation of the harbor and Mr. Malloy had a lot to do with it. That along with the fact that there are precious few places for the large yachts between NYC and Newport; there are several terrific restaurants and quaint shops within steps of the docks and it's the Hamptons. Despite the yachts I still prefer the days before Manhattan found the east end, but that ship has sailed.