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Crew Agencies

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by Qocean, Jan 16, 2005.

  1. Qocean

    Qocean New Member

    Feb 9, 2004
    Coast of Maine
    Does anyone know of a good crew agency that they would recommend?

    I am currently looking for a job.

    I want to get my name out there and find a good job for the season, but am a bit hesitant to pay out a lot of money up front to list my name with a crewing agency. Is it worth paying the money for the chance of getting a job?

    Can anyone recommend a good crew agency, which has a good placement record? Any comments, suggestions, or past experiences would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Jonathan

    Jonathan New Member

    May 7, 2004
    No agency fee for crew

    At JF Recruiting we don't charge an agency fee
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    I'm fairly easy going, but there comes a time when I have to speak up. You have made a number of posts in violation of our rules by including a URL. We don't mind when a business engages members of the forum... if they are offering information, help or guidance that IS NOT self promotional. In other words, they participate in a variety of subjects, not just those that server their own purpose.

    Due to the structure of our software, URL's can be indexed by spiders, thus improving YOUR search engine ranking... yet you have not included us in your links.

    The URL of your website has been deleted from your post.
  4. Qocean

    Qocean New Member

    Feb 9, 2004
    Coast of Maine
    Is the thread dead?

    Really, just trying to get some quality information.
  5. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    I think that crew agencies can help you get a job, but just registering and sit and wait is probably a waste. Since you have not informed us about your age, experience and job wanted, it is hard to tell what would be the best.

    If you are in the process of adding education and training, the agencies are arranging such and this is a good route of showing them who you are and the chances to get recommended for a position increases.

    Are you looking for a job as deckhand or stewardess, it is better to walk the docks and knock on doors. If there is a position and they like your personality, your chances are much greater than having a CV in the computer of a Crew Agency.

    Many young guys also start as a "day worker", helping out on yachts in need of paint job, varnishing rails and this kind of never ending maintenance. But again, then you have to be where the yachts are and learn to know the crew and this way get recommended for upcoming positions.
  6. Crewagency

    Crewagency Guest

    A Good Crew Agency

    There are many Crew Agencys in the market.
    Beware of paying money for a membership in a database.
    First of all think about your career planning in this sector. Normally professional
    Yacht Captains or Owners are looking for the basic safety courses like Fire fighting, first aid, rescue, basic safety all StcW95. If you didnt have this courses it is hard to find a job. You can send your CV to my email and i will tell you more.
  7. Qocean

    Qocean New Member

    Feb 9, 2004
    Coast of Maine


    Thank you for the information. You can find out more about me under the “Looking for work” section of crew forums. In short I have worked on a smaller sailboat for the last two seasons as a one person crew/cook. At the age of 23 I am trying to finish my schooling; a two year degree in business administration and a culinary arts degree to become a certified chef.

    I am interested to know more about the STCW95 training. I have looked into the course and what it entails. seems to be a good choice for my location. My only hesitation is the cost of the program. My plan is to cook; would you recommend to get this specific training?


    I did sent my CV to you about three and a half weeks ago. I would greatly appreciate any input you would have on it. Thank you.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2005
  8. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hi Eric,

    Any STCW95 training is good for all crew positions. But since I am not in this sector of the business I don´t know what you should pay and where to go. I know that the Bluewater agency in Antibes has a large selection of courses;

    If you are into sailing yachts I think the Swan Charter organization could be of interest to contact. I have been a Swan skipper myself and it is a nice community of sailors, many going across the pond between the seasons.

    Whatever you do, good chefs are always in demand, not only on yachts!
