Hi, I would like to ask the esteemed membership both contributors and lurkers to rack their brains and see if anyone can tell me about a yacht with a large ( in yacht terms) swimming pool on the sundeck. I have been told about a motor yacht with a pool of approx 6m x 3m x 1.2m on the sundeck that can be used underway. No one when questioned seems to be able to tell me the name of this amazing vessel so I am hoping the widespread membership here can help me out in this quest.
a yacht i know of with possibly the biggest pool had to have it covered while sailing (i heard this) ... so i am not 100% sure
It would have to be something like Abramovich just built, or a converted 400 some foot cruise ship from one of the sheiks or sultans. That's going to be about 22 long tons of freesurface mass pretty far up. It'll take a significant sized vessel to keep stability in check with that. Even at those sizes, I would imagine that when you'd get a significant wave height of over 2 meters, you'd be draining it....
Well is it only restricted to the sundeck? I can list some yacht with large pools on the aft main deck or anywhere else. CRN's "Romance", OceAnco's "Alfa Nero" (as seen above), Lurssen's "Ice"(ex. "Air"), Platinum Marine's "Dubai", Peterswerft's "Al Mirqab" (that pool is indoors?), Blohm & Voss's "A", she has a long lap pool amidships. However, I am not sure about large pools restricted only to the sundeck.
I seem to recall reading that the swimming pool on the Dubai can be covered and used as a dance floor but I can't find the dimensions.
Hi K1W1, Largest sun deck pool I have seen is aboard Allure Shadow (www.allure.shadow.com) on the bridge deck at 8.5 meters long. You cannot sail with it topped off. Belay that, you can sail but it will empty to about half depth, "automatically." Can I build one for you?
Stan, The link wouldn't load for me. When I was going down the conversion route with the client I visited you about, I found a boat where we could have had a 20 x 6 x 2 m pool indoor that could have been emptied and filled in a couple of minutes using a UT705 as the base vessel. He was very keen and then one day just called and said he had changed his mind. He is now making positive sounds about a new yacht in the 95 /100m range, only time will tell what happens this time. The pool question I have posted here does not concern that client.
It isn't loading for me either, it says it cannot find the page. However, I do know of the pool you mean on Allure Shadow.
You can get to a link showing her pool by googling. Tried to post it, but it must have been a hot link or something (still learning ).
Sorry folks! Do you suppose it is Freudian that I screwed up my competitor's domain name? Something I would never do consciously.....
True, and she can sail with it filled I've seen many pics with if filled and her sailing! Good lead Heston.
Check here to see "Dubai's" pool and you can refer her size there. Its pretty big! http://www.platinumyachts.ae/platinumyachts/articles/09-07%20Boat%20International%20DUBAI.pdf
Dubai Pool I still can't find any measurements but several sites claim the pool on the MY Dubai holds 110 tons of water. Since water weighs about 62.25 pounds pounds per cubic foot (at swimming temperature) there are about 3520 cubic feet of water in the pool. This would suggest a pool of about 20 feet by 30 feet with an average depth of nearly 6 feet. The pool K1W1 heard about is around 20 feet by 10 feet by about 6 feet so if my calculations are correct, the deck pool on the Dubai is huge.