I am taking a trip to Key Biscayne leaving this sat for a couple of days and was wondering if anyone had any Recommendations for a guide for some backcountry fishing.
cant recommend anyone (I dont' fish... ) but your best bet is probably to ask around crandon Marina (on the key). They have a bunch of charter sportfish there, I'm sure that's where most of the flat fishing guides operate from.
I dont really fish much,Hardly ever but..One of those things I thought might be different and fun to try. I have some time to kill tue and wed my wife will be in meetings all day and work hoopla in the evening.(I am carring her bags for her on this trip )
fishing Call Boucer Smith @ Miami Beach marina. If he's busy,I bet he can pass you on to a good guide
This is what I would do.... TARPON, TARPON, TARPON http://awolfishingguide.com/H-SERV-Tarpon.html not recommending the above, just the first site that popped up during search. __________________ _________ Here’s an idea, how about YF having a directory of all types of marine and recreation services in Florida and other places throughout the world (marine pages) * see extra revenue stream
Greetings, Mr. creepin. I agree with Mr. OMW...try and hook up with a tarpon or 2 or 3. Nothing I've experienced in the last 10 years fishing has raised the adrenalin levels as much as the two I've hooked (but NOT landed) as these 150lb.+ and 40lb.+ fish. The heart races just thinking about it. Yes, there are a lot of good eating fish out there (permit, pompano, cobia, snapper etc.) BUT for a REAL rush, nothing comes close to that first (of MANY) 5' aerial jump of a 100lb tarpon. Holy crapola!!!!! Peter